Extra - Lara (Fluke's Mom)

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Ohm bows before leaving. The three people in the dining room just look at the guy walking away.

Flue stands up after couple of minutes, "Mom, I'll just talk to P'Ohm".

Lara just nod at her son. Lara frown when a minute after Sofia, Ohm's mom stands up as well and run somewhere.

"Lara, don't just sit there. C'mon", Sofia came back after holding a camera and drag Lara upstairs.

The door to Ohm's room is slightly open.

"So, will you allow me to become your boyfriend?", they heard Ohm asks.

Sofia almost squeal but thankfully Lara is fast and cover her mouth. They peek and see their son hugging each other


"Told you, Lara. They love each other", Sofia whisper while continue pressing the button of the camera.

"Hey! Send me a copy of the picture. I think we should go, my face feeling hot just looking at them", she whisper back.

The two tiptoe and leave the lovers on their own world.

It's Monday. She and Sofia is supposedly at the hotel but Sofia has a different plan.

They are currently in the school's parking lot. School as in where their sons are studying.

A familiar black car stops. Sofia giggle and point somewhere. She smile when she see Ohm and Fluke holding hands.

*click* *click*

"Lara! Lara! Look! They look good together, Fluke so cute blushing", Sofia squealing and went out of the car. She giggle and follow her bestfriend.

*click* *click*

She and Sofia sits in one of the table in the cafeteria. She look at surroundings and notices the other student looking at the couple that they are following.

She's worried, she know her son as shy type so she look at the couple, Ohm looks around so she and Sofia put the folder that they bring in their face. After a while, the couple leave the cafeteria but she frown when they walk out walking separately.

"Ehh? I need more photos of them holding hands", Sofia complaints but here non stop complaints is disturb but a rang.

"Yes, I'm on my way. I'll ask her about it", Sofia answer and look at her sadly.

"I have a meeting with Super Junior's manager because the said artists will stay in our hotel and they asks for the head chef as well", she heard Sofia. They look at the direction where there sons went to.

"Sof, let's go we will caught in the traffic if we don't hurry. Let's just go back later to get more photos", she grab Sofia's arm and force her to be in the car.

It's quarter to 5 pm when the door in the kitchen, open!

"Lara! Let's go, they will be out soon. Hurry! Oh! Hi everyone, we have an emergency meeting with a client so we need to leave the kitchen and hotel to you", Sofia said happily and everyone said yes to her. Lara just shake her heads, said to the other chef what to do and tell them to call her if anything happen.

After giving instructions she go to Sofia whose giggling while looking at the pictures they took in the morning.

5:27 pm. They are now again in the parking lot of the school. Fluke's class will end around at 5:30 if she remembers correctly.

"According to my research, my son's class is already over at 5:00 pm and your son will end at 5:30 pm. I wonder where is my son, right now?", she heard Sofia said while checking a piece of paper. She is shock looking at her friend, she wonders what else did she research for those two.

"Lara! Look! Here they come but ehh? Why they are faraway from each other", she look at the same direction.

She see how Fluke at Ohm while walking, close his eyes and as if murmuring something before grabbing Ohm's hands. The older one stops raise their clasp hands. Ohm seem to asks something which make Fluke shake his head. She smile widely when she see her son smile and blush.

"AHHHHHHH! Did you see? Did you see? Ohm kiss Fluke's hands", she laugh out loud while Sofia using her hand as fan and check her camera. Squeal again.

 Squeal again

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