Sunday, September 1

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Today is the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!


Because my crush, Brandon Roberts, has FINALLY asked me out. 

We've been a couple for nearly a YEAR now and school starts tomorrow so I'm SUPER exited. He says he has something really important to tell me.

I was RUSHING to come up with a SUPER CUTE outfit to wear  when my phone rang.

"Hi, Mackenzie Hollister speaking. Oh! Is that you Jess? Yeah! I was just about to-"

I was cut of with a loud RASBERRY that sounded like one of Amanda's. 

Wait. One. Second.

"AMANDAAAAAAA!" I screamed through the house. 

I heard the little brat JUMP from her barbie doll house into her bed with a loud THUMP as she started to (fake) snore loudly. She ALWAYS does that when she know she's in trouble.

"MOOOOOOOOOM!" I tried again.

Olga, my personal maid, frantically rushed in looking panicked.

"Mackenzie-Mackenzie-Mackenzie! Oh Lord! I thought you had hurt yourself! Your afternoon activity starts in an hour, mind, so I had better come up anyways."

I raised my eyebrow because I had forgotten what she was talking about. Finally I came to my senses and remembered that I had told her to remind me about an 'afternoon activity' and NOT a date because if she said that out loud (and Olga is VERY chatty) then I would NEVER hear the last of it from Amanda.

45 minutes later, I was dressed in  sassy-chic-stylish clothes and ready for my Brandon Time.

We met in the CupCakery, as planned, but I couldn't help notice that Brandon seemed... well... he kinda seemed guilty and embarrassed and nervous if those emotions could mix. He was like guiltbarrassedvous, no, that sounds cringey. Erm... embervousuilty? What is WRONG with me?!

OMG! I must be NERVOUS! I a NEVER nervous! Everyone WORSHIPS me!

We sat at table 6 and ordered a super-deluxe-creamy-velvet-chocolate-fudge-brownie cupcake with vanilla-cream icing and rainbow-pop sprinkles.

He gave me that LOOK and I nearly swooned. Then he looked away.

"Brandon?" I asked. "Is something bothering you?"

He smiled faintly and said, "You know Mac, enjoy this because I will be very busy over the next couple of weeks working on a very important school project."

"Brandon," I gushed, " You are such a sweetheart to be working to get extra credit in school. Plus with all the work you do at Fuzzy Friends! You are a miracle."

And yes, it sounded as unreal, corny, and embarrassing as I just described it.

I flushed red and pursed my lips.

"No, Mackenzie, it's not like that. There's a new girl and I was chosen to look after her."

New girl? Her?  Listen, girlfriend here gets so much attention, she can take care of herself!

I clenched my fists and tried to hide my disappointment. But in reality, I was barely fighting back tears. 

I HATE this new girl  or whatever her name is.

Brandon could obviously see I was uncomfortable with the subject so changed it. I spent a nice other hour just chatting, carefree like we used to.

A bit later, I got a text from my BFF, Jessica, and she was asking how it was going and that there was a new girl and that she wondered what she would be like.

AGAIN with the new girl!  


Brandon must have noticed something was up because he asked me what was wrong.

"Nothing. It was my saying ... I need to go home to... babysit my... sister's... dog who is... in... my house." I spluttered.

He raised an eyebrow but said nothing as I rushed out the shop. The memory of his face will haunt me forever.

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