Chapter 15 : Realize

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the next morning 

I wake up with a smile on my face and I sit up screaming my lungs out "Ella you scared me half to death" I say flustered she just laughs "I have news" she squeals "ok?" I say curious "Devon asked me out!!!!" we squeal and hug then I hear a thud and a gasp from Ella I turn around and see drake I smile and walk to him he doges me "what are you doing?" he asks and I feel the colour drain from my face I put my arms down "nothing" I say making sure I sound and look bored "well I'm going to go talk to later nix" she says I walk her out

I get back to my room and get my phone drake walks over to me and tries to hug me but I turn to got to the kitchen as if I didn't see him his action hurt me more than I like to admit he follows me downstairs "phoenix?" he asks sounding confused I ignore him grabbing a bowl of cereal next thing I know I'm facing him his hands on my shoulders "what's wrong?" he asks I can feel the anger on my face " oh I don't know try take a guess" I say with calmness realization crosses his face "oh phoenix I am so sorry I didn't mean to upset you I just don't want people to know about us yet" he says and shrugs I stand up straighter ready to yell my opinion "oh so I'm not good enough to be your public girlfriend!?" I yell "I- ""no you listen to me we are over, and I hope you're happy with yourself using a girl like she's an object GET OUT OF MY HOUSE" I shout anger filled my voice like never before I am so sick of guys, he seems to shrink back I glare at him as he walks out

I go to my room and before I can stop myself, I cry about an hour later I hear a knock "come in" I say sounding more like a whimper as the door opens Andrew begins to speak "hey I just wanted to- oh! Hey are you ok" he says kneeling in front of me I nod my head no he doesn't say a word as he cuddles me in comfort "do you want to talk about it" I nod no "ok I'll sit here until you feel better" he says as he rubs my shoulder a while later I ask " do you want to watch a movie" "sure he replies with a smile and we watch spider-man homecoming I feel save with Andrew nothing like how I felt with drake the only feeling with drake was lust but I think I could really love Andrew with all my heart I turn my head up to look and him he looks down at me in question and I kiss him and to my surprise and my joy he kisses me back its not rough but gentle and I know I really like him once we stop he looks me in the eyes and I can see love

Now I know what you're thinking to guys in one day and how could you suddenly like him? Well, I think I've liked him for a while but just didn't recognized it he cuddles me tighter.

I realize all those guys taught me something Devon how to say no and believe I'm allowed a voice Aaron how to love without lust to love a soul, chad how to leg go and drake how to be broken but heal myself and I knew that I wasn't supposed to end up with drake or Aaron or Devon, but Andrew and I am so happy for it.

Aye the story still has a long way to go don't think this is the end only the beginning I hope your up for it there is going to be drama :D 


hope you enjoyed (:

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