Side chapter 3: Jean's Mom

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In Trost

Y/n POV:

I was with Jean, Armin, Connie, Sasha and Marco, we were walking in the beautiful city of Trost district, this time we'll be doing the anticipated attack on Trost, Commander Pyxis will also be in attendance as well, Connie then spoke with excitement

Connie: This is awesome! First time I've been in one of the walled cities

Sasha: There'll be lots of tasty food to eat!

Jean: Hey you two

Connie: Huh?

Jean: If you join the city guard, you can stay here as long as you like I'll come visit and see how you're doing when I'm in the Military Police

He then laughed while Connie and Sasha frowned, Armin spoke

Armin: Hey.. Where exactly is your house Jean?

Jean: Does it matter?

Marco: Aren't you going to pop home? Thomas said he was planing to

Me: Yeah, your mom will be happy to see you buddy

Jean: Shut it you three! Just drop it!

All of us are now in position on the rooftops, as the bell started to ring,  many cadets let out a war cry, Jean, Armin, Annie and myself left the rooftops

Annie: All you can do is just get some brownie points

Me: Whatever

The four of us started to do what Jean said is to kill some titans, as we spotted a fake titan, I quickly unsheathed my blades


Before I could kill it, Mikasa comes out of nowhere and quickly slices the nape in an instant

Me: Damn it Mikasa! You stole my kill!

She then chuckled and I spotted another fake titan, I held my blade behind and did a horizontal spin and slashed the nape and ankles very fast, almost felt like I was having increased speed, Jean, Armin and my friends had their mouths dropped

Jean: You gotta be kidding me!

Me: Sorry Jean


After the training, I was in the HQ with Eren and Mikasa, seems like they were carrying some stuff and boxes so I decided to help them instead of doing nothing, they felt relieved and Mikasa kissed me in the cheek, Eren just chuckled while I had a bright red in my cheeks, when we were doing it, we heard some screams of excitement, seems like there is a cook off tonight between Jean and Sasha

Eren: What's going on?

Me: No idea. But I know that they will be having a cook off later night


The three of us were still doing it the carry boxes, Mikasa was still carrying three boxes, Eren had his mouth dropped in shock, She then put the boxes in the wagon but Eren gets annoyed

Eren: Leave it! I got this!

Mikasa: But

Eren: No 'Buts'! Leave it!

Just then, a lady spoke to the three of us

Lady: Excuse me... Do you know if Jean-boy- I  mean, if Jean Kirstein is around?

Me: He's in the mess hall with his friends maam

She then nodded and smiled at me, she then proceeds to go to the mess hall with a food for him

Eren: Hang on.... Is that Jean's mom?

Me: Yeah it is.. Come on let's go

We then followed his mom inside the mess hall, once we got in the mess hall, Jean gets disappointed when he see his mom after his mom bought some food for all of us, Jean bangs the door closing it and panted

Eren: Y-You should be nicer to your mom, Jean boy... I mean, Jean

To be continued......

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