Side chapter 1: Distress Pt. 1

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Y/n POV:

3 years had passed on since Eren, Mikasa, Armin and myself had joined the cadets since Wall Maria fell to the titans, we as kids last 2 years can't do anything but just to mourn for our families and loved ones, in the year 847, all of us continue to train to become soldiers... This time the 104th cadets have to split into 2 groups, the main objective is to make a round trip to the location and record our progress within a given time period. The journey to the destination is 40 km. The 1st group will be led by Marco while Armin is the scribe. The 2nd group that I was in will be led by Thomas while Mikasa is the scribe as I'm second in command. This is the first I'll be going in a place where is far away

Minutes later...

We were still continuing to the objective and I spoke to Reiner

Me: So, why are we in this place anyway? Why are we stuck in this moumtain of nowhere?

Reiner: Just like the Commandant said, we'll have to go around to the objective, its actually an exercise to sustain absence in a crisis

Me: I see

We then stop for a couple minutes to take a break including our horses, Bertholdt, Reiner, Annie, Daz and 2 cadets were resting while I was actually talking with Thomas and Mikasa

Thomas: But if we go that way, we might not make it before sundown

Me: He's right, we shouldn't need to take a hard route

Mikasa: Well, how about take a more easterly route?

Me: Problem is that we're gonna get roasted if we take that route. I suggest we should take an easy route

Just then, we heard a bird chirping as Mikasa and I gasped

Thomas: What's wrong, Y/n?

Me: Nothing... We're just being paranoid...

Reiner: Really?

Me: Yeah...


We were still resting in the afternoon to take a break, when we were taking a break, Daz came by with some bad news, apparently our ODM gear was stolen by someone

Mikasa: Are you sure?

Daz: There's no mistaking it. I put them down here. When I came to get them. They were all gone

Me: Shit!

Thomas: Our ODM gear is already gone...

Annie: Look here....

We all came by were Annie is, the fire wood is gone, Reiner then touched the burnt rock

Reiner: Whoever was here has been left for a while

Me: Mikasa and I saw another one over there. That tells us their numbers

Annie: Also..... Look here

All of us went to where Annie is and we found some tracks

Reiner: Wagon tracks....

Annie: More than one set.. We weren't given any information about anyone living out of here

Reiner: .... Must be bandits

Me: Huh?

Reiner: I've heard about stories of gangs stealing military equipment, then sellimg their haul on the black market. ODM gears can cause a higher price

Thomas: Are you saying that were being targeted?

Mikasa: If they've seen us, we would've been attacked. Be lucky that you are still alive

I just grabbed her hand because I was nervous but she was right about one thing, we should be lucky that were still alive, she was surprised but understood as she was holdinh our hands tight. Thomas nods at her

Thomas: Should we head back and report it back?

Me: No not yet, we're close to the objective. We need to make sure to fill Marco's group before heading back then report it back to base

All of them nodded on what I said, Reiner puts his hand on ny shoulder

Reiner: Nice mind ya got Y/n

Me: Thanks


After that incident, we were now already starving so we decided to eat some of the rations, I on the other hand was in a river watching it, it felt like it was like from Shiganshina, Mikasa came to me and sat beside me

Mikasa: What's wrong Y/n?

Me: I missed them.. My family...

Mikasa: Me too, I miss my family too, felt like we were alone, but no, Eren and Armin are here with us, You as well

Me: I know... It felt like.. Everything from us was taken

Mikasa: I know.... Let's just sleep for now

She then points to her shoulder

Mikasa: Here Y/n, you can sleep here

Me: You uhhh, sure about that?

Mikasa: Its fine, Y/n

I didn't want to disobey her, I then put my head on her shoulder, she giggled a little

Mikasa: Goodnight Y/n

Me: Night Mikasa, love you

We then started to doze off and fell asleep in our shoulders and felt relaxed and comfortable

Little did we know, is that the parents of Mikasa and mine were watching from heaven, smiling at the both of us

To be continued.......

Mikasa x male reader : Side chapters Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon