Why Ling Is Also An Avatar

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So it occurred to me that people might start questioning why I made it to where both Ling and Aang are Avatars when traditionally there was only ever one at a time. Here is my explanation or thought process on the matter because there's more of a science in the explanation than would belong in the Avatar world so I really can't think of a way to explain in depth why I made it this why. There will be things to hint at this, but no actual explanation since they can only really speculate. 

The Avatar spirit jumps to another person after the current Avatar dies. So this is something that sort of settles into the fetus. Ling and Aang had actually supposed to have been identical twins. Identical twins come from the same egg where as fraternal come from two. So Ling was originally supposed to have been a boy. However when the Avatar spirit settled into the egg before it split it turned her into a girl. 

Why? Because the Avatar is supposed to stand for balance. Equality. So two separate Avatars would only be equal as a boy and a girl rather than two boys or two girls. Yin and Yang. 

This is also why I am trying to portray her as more mature and responsible. To keep in balance with Aang's more forward personality. To show them as more two halves of a whole rather than carbon copies of each other. 

I hope this explains a bit more. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I hope this makes sense!

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