Chapter 6

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I'm trying the water juggling trick again as Sokka is out trying to find food. I lose control and the water balls fall to the ground. I let a huff and punch the ground. I'd only been at it for about ten minutes, but I'm already getting frustrated. I hear Sokka's voice and the others chatting so I go over to where they are. I hadn't wanted to practice around Aang and Katara because I was worriedd they'd want me to try to teach them, especially Katara, and I can't when I can't even d it right myself. There's a giant boom that shakes the ground and I look around before running the rest of the way back. 

   "What was that?" I ask. It happens again and I look around. 

   "It's coming from over there," Aang says, pointing in a random direction. I grab my staff and take off into the air as the others run below me. No way am I risking breaking an ankle with all that shaking.

   "Shouldn't we run away from huge boom, not toward them?" Sokka points out. He has a good point.

   "I think I agree with Sokka," I say. "We don't know what's making those noises." Katara and Aang ignore us and I groan.

   We run a little ways until we reach a a fallen tree and hide behind it. Peering over it, we see a guy earthbending.

   "An earthbender," Katara murmurs and I roll my eyes. 

   "Let's go meet him," Aang says. 

   "He's looks dangerous, so we better approach cautiously," Sokka says.

   "Or we could d back to Appa and continue to the North Pole," I suggest. "Can't learn Earth and Fire if we never learn to waterbend." I look over to see Katara already gone.

   "Hello, there! I'm Katara." I look back at the earthbender and see Katara standing a few feet away from him. I groan. "What's your name?"

   "Or not," I mutter, standing up. The earthbender drops the rock he'd been levitating and takes off. He blocks us from following with a small landside.

   "Nice to meet you!" Aang yells as we walk up behind Katara.

   "I think you scared him, Katara," I say with a laugh.

   "I just wanted to so hi," she says.

   "Hey, that guy's gotta be running somewhere. Maybe we're near a village. And I bet that village has a market," Aang says.

   "Which means no nuts for dinner," Katara says, clasping her hands. She and Aang take off running in the direction the guy had gone.

   "Hey! Worked hard to get those nuts!" Sokka says, crossing his arms. Momo follows and Sokka slumps. "Yeah, I hate them, too." We follow the others.

"Hey!" Katara says as I watch Aang laugh over to hat he just got. I turn towards her and see her make her way to a store. We follow as she opens the door. "Hey! You're that kid," she says. "Why did you run away before?" We come up behind her and stand in the door way as she walks into the store.

   "Uh . . . you must have e confused with some other kid," he says, but, sure enough, it's the guy we saw earthbending in the woods. There's an older women behind the counter, looking at us in confusion.

   "No, she doesn't," Aang says, walking in. Sokka and I step in behind him. "We saw you earthbending." The women gasps and hurries to slam the door and window shut.

   "They saw you doing what?" she demands, looking at the guy.

   "They're crazy, mom. I mean, look at how they're dressed." We look down at our clothing. Nothing's wrong with them. They're typical water tribe and air nomad outfits.

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