Chapter 6

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Akoni began to explain his life story to Victoria. "I lived in a small hut in Africa very close to the water. It was very small, and me, mg brother, my mother and my father lived in it. My brother died of Malaria." He paused, memories of his brother flowing through his mind. " You can keep going." Victoria whispered. Akoni nodded. "After that it was just me and my parents. One day, my parents went out with a group of villagers to go kill a lion that was dangering the community.  They told me to stay inside the hut and do not come out. I could hear them yelling. They did not come back. All night I crouched in a corner, I dared not come out of the hut. In the morning I was very hungry so I went out and started to run. I ran because I did not want the lion to chase me. The hot sand killed my barefoot feet so I kept climbing trees then running again. When I was running  next to the water, I spotted a group of American men with their large boat. I crouched down behind a bush to hide. I was frightened of Americans and I did not speak English then. I decided to quickly jump up and run, but an american man spotted me. I tripped and they helped me. I could not understand what they were saying but i could tell they were signaling for me to come with them. I did not. I knew they were kind but i did not wish to leave Africa. They left and I ran to an orphanage. I stayed there for a year, it was horrible. Everyday i sat by the broken window looking at the water hoping the americans would come back. One morning,  i saw the same men with their boat and ran to them l. They recodnized me. I was so happy. They brought me onto their boat for six months, teaching me english almost every minute. When we arrived at america, they left me. I was scared. I only had me dirt rags." He exclaimed. He looked over at Victoria in a happy face, "And then I met you."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2015 ⏰

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