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Naomi's Pov

I was currently sitting at the kitchen table nursing a cup of coffee replaying last night fight in my head. I can't even pin point the moment our relationship began to crumble. It's like we-

My thoughts were interrupted by Michael walking into the kitchen.

"Good morning" he mumbled pouring himself a cup of coffee. I just say there staring blankly at him.

He took a seat across from me and sighed. Once he realized I wasn't going to say anything he started a conversation.

"Rae I'm sorry" he said taking a sip of his coffee.

I scoffed in disbelief "Sorry? Michael you used your best friend as a bargaining chip to attend couples therapy to fix OUR relationship! That proves my point that you never put me or our relationship first and I am sick of it. I mean do you really give a damn about me at all?"

He slammed his coffee mug down angrily. "Of course I care about you Naomi you will always be first! You and Kimora are the most important people to me!" He shouted angrily.

I laughed bitterly before replying "Yeah after your best friends and music"

He groaned "Here we fucking go again".

"Yes Michael here we fucking go again! I've dedicated three years of my life to you, I gave you the one thing you wanted most in the world, a child, I stood by your side through everything for three years and all I asked for was for you to take some time out of your day to spend with me and our daughter and you can't even do that! But let Jada, Skiy Or Quincy call and you'll drop everything for them, including me." I stated through my tears.

"I think you and I should spend some time apart" I calmly said after a moment of silence.

He hopped up out his seat. "Rae no please don't go!" he shouted frantically

"We need to figure out if this is what we want anymore" I spoke so lowly it almost sounded like a whisper.

He just stood there with tears cascading down his face.

"I will bring Kimora by to see you tomorrow before you go into the studio" I spoke before wiping my own tears.

I walked over him to and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I love you" was the final words I said before I walked away from the love of my life.


Hey yalllll I'm back! Sorry it took forever but I had too much going on in my life and updating was the last thing on my mind. But I decided to keep the issues with the couples going for a while before doing the actual retreat just so you can see how deep their issues really are. Oh btw Happy New Years! I hope you all have a blessed and prosperous year with that being said please make sure you vote, comment and share. Idk how long it will be before I update again but I won't make it toooo long :) okay Ima stop rambling now. Remember stay safe and wear ya mask 😷- Daisa

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2021 ⏰

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