This is directly from Parogar himself.

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The questions just don't stop coming in. Okay, I'm not going to leak anything new. I've already decided that. So what I'll do is just ask you to please share this post with everyone you know and then I'm done talking about it. I get like 20 messages a day, asking, "Why did you quit WP?"

Please: link anyone who asks to this post. This will be the final time. And only because it just doesn't stop (the questions). This will also be the most complete version of events that I've shown so far.

First off: I didn't leave, I was banned. Now let's get down to it. I'll keep it as brief as possible.

Why was I banned?

The answer: I don't know. I did not get a reason. I only know who did it and the circumstances around it. I do know from this screenshot (name censored to protect the innocent) {} that this is not something WP will discuss. Not with me, you, the ambassadors, or anyone. (All the ambassadors are innocent of any wrongdoing in this).

What happened?

It all began when an author by the name of R*** Y*** (censored to protect the innocent) was being hideously bullied. Aside from having her name libeled across the internet, she was the target of a vicious one-starring campaign to destroy her book sales.

What did we do?

We went to Goodreads and five-starred her book to counteract the FAKE one-star reviews made against her for NO OTHER REASON THAN THE FACT SHE HAD AN OPINION THAT LINDA HILTON DISAGREED WITH.

Is that against Wattpad's rules?


So what happened then?

What happened was that a few of my fans (less than 10 out of thousands) made comments on my HGH article that were inappropriate and could come across as serious death threats despite me strongly believing they were just jokes.

Did you allow this?

No. As you can see from these following screenshots:

Is that all?


I realized that things were getting out of hand, so I pulled down (**ME! I PULLED THEM DOWN**) the HGH articles that had any mention of Linda Hilton or her thugs, and then continued on as usual.

So what happened next?

What happened next is where things become so confusing.

First, you must understand that I have an "enemy" at Wattpad HQ. Someone I have never once in my life wronged or done any harm to. This person is named Nick Uskoski. And not long ago, we were friends on Wattpad (I knew him well before he worked at Wattpad).

As you can see from here:

We used to troll the forums. And although I no longer have access to my private messages, he's even offered to help me troll my own fans (but strictly as a joke) as well as having once invited me to come hang out with him in Toronto.

Is that all?


Here's something I only learned recently. EVEN WHILE he was still pretending to be a friend, he was doing THIS:

And also THIS:

And also THIS:

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