Chapter 17

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Be happy I updated twice in a day xD it's like almost 1:30am here and I have to wake up at like 7am

Short Chap:

I walked through the hallways in rage, heading to my dorm .

I quickly swung my door open , making a loud * Bam* sound.

Kyuhyun was sitting on my bed .

When he noticed I was the one who entered he stood up

" DongHae your ba-"

I didn't let him finish what he was saying .

I punched him in the jaw , making him lose balance and falling on the floor.

He looked at me in shock while he held onto the place where I punched him .

" You punched me?" He said , like he didn't expect me to hit him .

" yeah I did , you deserved it , you ruin everything between me and EunHyuk " I said , in rage .

I grabbed him by the collar when he was still sitting , making him stand up .

I pulled him towards the door , throwing him out, into the hallways

The students jumped in surprise seeing Kyuhyun fall to the ground in front of them .

They notice I was the one one hitting him .

They quickly ran off , frighten from what I was doing .

Hell... Even I was frighten at how I was acting ....

I never do his kind of thing .....

But I cant help it . I'm to pissed off .

" Because of fucking you , EunHyuk broke up with me .... Because of you ..... I'm Fucking heart broken ..... Because of you EunHyuk will probably never come near me again . All because of fucking you ! " I yelled in rage. I swear I was going crazy .

Kyuhyun quickly stood up and grabbed onto my arms tightly .

" your not alone DongHae you have m-"

" Kyuhyun! Don't you get it! I don't love you anymore , even though you told me that you didn't cheat on me , I still don't have feelings for you! , it's always going to be EunHyuk !" I yelled

" Give me a chance DongHae to start all over!" Kyuhyun yelled back , his voice was trembling.

"I'm sorry Kyuhyun .... But I will never love you as much as i do to EunHyuk ..... After those two years of being away from him ..... I still love him..... After 10, 20 , 30 years..... I will still love him..... I never felt like this ever from you EunHyuk is the only one that makes me go crazy ...... Kyuhyun I probably would of almost killed you ....." I said quietly .

Kyuhyun removed his hands from my arms .

" so.... Your not giving me a chance?..... Your just going to choose EunHyuk "

" no I'm not ...... I didn't have to choose ..... I wanted to be with EunHyuk to begin with ......" I said

" I'm never going to find anyone like you DongHae ....." Kyuhyun said depressed.

" SungMin "

When I said his name , Kyuhyun looked at me weirdly

" SungMin likes you ..... Get to know him .... He will be great for you " I said , lightly smiling .

Kyuhyun sighed

" guess I have no choice ..." Kyuhyun quietly said.

" Are you going to get back with EunHyuk?" He asked , giving me eye contact .

I sniffled , wiping the old tears from my eyes .

" he broke up with me Kyuhyun....He doesn't want to speak to me ..... We probably might not end up getting back together at all ..... I think our break up is going to be permanent " I said and took a deep breath , trying to act strong

" who said that I was going to make our break up permanent" I heard EunHyuk voice say , jokingly .

I turned my head to see EunHyuk just laying his back on the lockers, having his hands in his pockets, relaxing .

He smirked .

I just looked at him in surprise .

Kyuhyun chuckled .

" I'm going to see SungMin , he needs help with his vocals " Kyuhyun said , before jogging off .

I still continued to stare at EunHyuk when Kyuhyun ran away .

EunHyuk slowly walked towards me .

He stood right In front of me .

He came back......

EunHyuk brought his face close to mine .

" so tell me ....." EunHyuk said quietly .

" who are you choosing " He continued , then smiled .
That is the ending of this chapter
Hope you guys like the ending .

Yeah... I think you guys can all tell they are getting back together .

Not that long of a break up xD .

Do you guys think I should of made the break up longer?

Probably the finale will come in more then 4-5 chapters .

Depending on how many ideas I get in between the story xD

Q: what do you think is going to happen in the next chapter :3?

comment your answers :3

* Did not edit this because I'm lazy like that xD*

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