A Bit More Complicated

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(A/N: Recap: Midoriya gets hit by a quirk Mirio takes Gilda (Midoriya) back to UA and Midoriya was being questioned by officer Tsukauchi and now they are heading to get Gilda a change of clothes.)

Gilda grinned timidly before she took Tsukauchi's hand and allowed him to guide her out of the room. He only managed to open the door a crack before feeling the girl tighten her grip. Looking up, Tsukauchi sighed seeing the Aizawa's entire class standing there, some with their phones pulled out. Tsukauchi and Aizawa immediately glared at the students, warning them that this was not a time to be messing around. He'd be willing to whip out 20 plus forms for the expulsion of students refusing to comply.

Aizawa bent down on his knee, softly speaking as he greated, "Hello Midoriya, I'm Shota Aizawa but please just call me Shota."

"O-okay. Shota-san. You can just call me Gilda!"

Aizawa nodded glancing at the timid and visibly on edge female. "Are these kids bothering you? If so I can tell them to go away."

"No, it's not that. It's just been so long since I've seen new people that aren't babies! It's nice to meet nice people."

Aizawa nodded, Gilda walking in between him and Tsukauchi while the rest of class 1A followed behind. They finally got a good look at what Gilda was wearing. A white dress shirt and a white skirt that rested right above her knees along with plain brown boots. Gilda walked with her head straight forward, not bothering to take in his surroundings. They could see Gilda was panicking as she was clutching her hands, resting them on her chest.

They couldn't help but feel guilty. They were unsure on what exactly made Gilda so uncomfortable, but they knew either it was them or she was scared on dealing with whatever was waiting for her when she returned home.

Tsukauchi smiled at the young female and just asked a random question. "So, what do you like to do in your free time?"

Gilda seemed to think about it for a while before answering. "I spend all of my free time taking care of the kids with Emma! Oh and... playing a finding things game."

"A finding things game? What do you look for?"

"Things that are hard to find. It's like an adventure."

"Who do you play this game with?"

"Oh! My friends Emma, Don, Ray, Norman, and all of the other kids. Me and Emma take care of the children since we are the only ones allowed to, it's apparently a girls job."

"Oh? What is it like?"

"It's okay. I just do my best to keep them safe. I do struggle to stay awake through their tests, they are tiering."

"What are these tests you speak of? Is that how they teach you?"

"We go through really long tests! Mama said we take these tests everyday so our brains are perfect. They make us more academically and mentally inclined. The highest score we can get is 300. I've only got a 300 once, Norman gets a 300 everytime!"

"Wow, that's impressive. You're still very young Midoriya, I mean Gilda."

"Thank you! I miss them, I hope nothing happens while I'm gone."

Tsukauchi grinned brightly, hiding his knowledge that there definitely was something more going on. "Well, we called your mother Inko, and she's bringing your friend Don."

"Don's here too?"

Tsukauchi nodded, guiding Midoriya to a seat while he went to a closet. "Yes, now stay put while I grab you stuff to wear."

Gilda stayed put while she listened to everyone else talk or told her stories. It was strange, Gilda offered a small smile, but never seemed to talk. No one understood why, but it was really simple. She didn't know what to say.

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