My Master, On a Date?

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A/N: HEY GUYS!! Sorry for all the authors notes instead of chapters, but it'll be worthwhile with this chapter if you support the "Girl x William" ship. Im kidding, but I have a lot of ships. I'M A VALENTINO X DONNIE SHIPPER. COMMENT ME IF YOU ARE TOO. THERE MIGHT BE A YOAI, NOT SURE. I also do Barry x Finn, and Reaper x Borris, Borris x Girl, Girl x Donnie, Donnie x Simona, Simona x William, Countless other ships.... Well, now you know the life of a half-taku. I'm not all that much of an otaku, but I'm something, lil' ol' me~

I awaken to the warm smell of eggs and bacon, an emerging breakfast has been started by my lovely William, as he is not here, next to me at the moment. I hear plates clanking gently into the table, then footsteps. I quickly pretend I'm still not awake yet, and hear William gently walk into the room, then sit down on our bed. I feel a warm and gentle kiss on my exposed left cheek and he gently whispers

"Wake up darling. Breakfast is ready" I smile at him, and he smiles back. His albino bright green eyes are even brighter with happiness. Poor William, it's so surprising he's so happy all the time. He used to go through judging because he's albino, and he used to dye his hair a deeper shade of blonde. I was the one who asked him if he was dying his hair because he smelled like chemicals and magic, often used for when people dye their hair here and at other places. He admitted because I was apparently the only friend of his he could trust. I remember asking him what the real color of his hair and eyes were. I remember when he took out that natural green eye contact and revealed a green tinted one, and when he began to remove the dye from his long hair, shorter than it is now. I was furious with him, who was this beautiful boy he was hiding? I remember all of it, I punched him, right in the face for doing that.

A/N: I'm turning that into a little dialogue in a really tiny book later. It will be part of the backstories book I want to make for this series. Anyway.

He sits in front of me now with a wedding ring on his finger because of that. That punch in the face helped him realize who he was, and eventually started becoming more proud. He was always happy, and still getting made fun of, but he didn't care. He realized that he did something for society, not himself, and is why everybody talks to him about their own problems. He's so soft and easy to understand, and, well, he's somewhat been there before.

William gently grabs my hand in his. His hand feels warm and soft, and so gentle. He pulls at my arm and I get up and hug him. He hugs me back and places a big warm kiss on my cheek, then drags me down the stairs.

William tells me to sit down in front of a warm plate of eggs, sausage, and bacon. William really knows my meat-a-terian-ness, but he put a little parsley on my plate. William is a strict vegetarian, and is still kind of mad at me for loving meat so much and eating animals. I told him that it's actually not hurting anyone because well, if we weren't having them used for something, then they would just take up all of our space, then the population of humans would find it harder to survive. I just can't stand him trying to take meat away from my life. I love meat, and that's that.

I scarf everything down, but politely. He smiles, eating his oatmeal. He really likes oatmeal, and if I told him to stop eating it, he would kill me for that so I'm not trying that anytime soon. He finishes a little bit after I do and we go to dress for the day.

I bathe and put on a black dress with a red hem. He is wearing a nice blue striped sweater and a pair of white pants. The thing about William is, he's sort of a weirdo, he wears guy TOMS when he's not doing work. He has so many pairs of them it's not funny.

William side-ponytails his jar and I fix a curl. I put on a silver necklace that William gave me as well, hen we're off! I can't wait to see what William has planned for me. But what is Master doing? I heard something from Simona about dating. Oh well.

We leave the headquarters and enter into the city. I fix a boot a little, as my sock won't stop falling down. William removes his left navy blue TOMS and examines it. He then tips it over Something got in his shoe. We walk around, holding hands. Old people coo at us, other couple ignore us, and young women stare. They know that we work at the ADC. We're kind of all over the news often, as I hear. I guess they think we're so serious that people don't date each other... Odd.

He walk around the city for hours, visiting all our favorite shops and sites in the city. We finally walk into our favorite restaurant, Perseus, a sort of fine-diner, but in a "homey" sort of way. We sit down and a young woman who calls herself Nina take our order. Fries, and Fries. That's all.

We talk about all these things that we don't usually get to talk about because of work. It fells good and it's nice to talk to William about things. It makes me feel fuzzy, warm, and happy. We kiss, right at the dinner table before we leave to go home. We have an automatic discount, so we barely pay half the normal price for stuff, just for working at the ADC.

We walk home together, and it's dark outside. A little boy sees us both and yelps

"It's dark hair girl and Albino guy from the ADC!! YOU'RE SOOO COOL!! Can I have your autographs? Pleeeaaase?"

"Okay." William takes the poster from the boy and signs it. "Who am I making this out for?"

"Me and Sissy, Ella!" The boy exclaims. William hands the paper to me, and I sign it too, giving the poster back to the boy, who fangirls.

"Thanks! By the way, Albino guy, you're my favorite! You're so cool! I wanna be a doctor-guy, just like you one day!"

William pats the boy's shoulder. "And maybe you will be just like me one day!" William says. He really has a love for kids. Id he didn't make Lieutenant Doctor, then he would be a teacher.

We leave and wave the boy goodbye. Fans are the only reason we usually don't leave the headquarters, other than the fact that we have everything we need there. That and working. Constantly. Full time. We enter through all 3 gates and go to the dorms. We finally reach our dorm to see Master holding Simona, who fell asleep. He smiles at us, we just wave and enter the dorm awkwardly.

William switches on the bedroom light and takes off his shirt, making me turn red and nosebleed. He knows what he's done, and he smiles. He did that intentionally. I want to punch him, but he's still my spouse, so I won't. He doesn't need pain. William puts on his black tank-top and Jammie pants while I put on a nightgown. We hop into our bed and Lie down. I feel William gently move his arm over my body. I fall asleep, best day ever.

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