The Karen

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A/N- Thank you @Monster_0316 for the chapter name

On with the story!


M/n sat alone in a meadow, silently staring up at the clouds-

"-/N! M/N! Wake Up!" Lev yelled while shaking his brother's shoulder roughly.  

"OK! Ok! I'm up! God what's so important that you've got to wake me up at this ungodly hour on weekend no less?!" M/n asked, pissed that the taller boy would have the nerve to wake him up.

"M/n it's almost noon and we've got practice at 1:30 at the rink today, remember?"

"...well shit..."

M/n attempted to jump out of bed before falling in a heap of blankets on his floor.  Quickly, he got up and ran to get his clothes on before packing up a duffel bag with his skates, a pair of stretchy black pants, and a white T-shirt.

Lev and M/n arrived at the rink. Seeing an unfamiliar older woman at the front desk, they look at each other, shrugged and went to walk into the men's locker room. The older woman saw this and got up to walk over to them.

"Hello, my name is Mrs. Takahiro, and I work at the front desk. I'm not sure if you know this, but guests are supposed to sign in, and clearly you missed the sign on the front door that stated that there was a private practice going on at the moment. Seeing as you have no parents with you," the older woman said, making eye contact with M/n, who internally rolled his eyes, "I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

M/n was the first to speak up, not realizing that the commotion had drawn attention to his parents and Yurio, who were silently watching the whole conversation from the doorway of the rink. 

"Ma'am," M/n said, trying to remain as calm as he could, while internally freaking out, "we understand that there is training today. That's why we're here."

"And who are you supposed to be?" Mrs. Takahiro asked, mockingly, "clearly you're no older than a middle schooler, so why don't you and your brother just make this easier for everyone and leave instead of making a scene. The kiddie classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays," she finished, a triumphant smirk gracing her thin lips.

M/n was beyond pissed at this point, he had always been insecure about his height, and this stranger was currently mocking him for it.  Before he could snap at her though, Lev spoke up. "Miss," he stated calmly, "we are not 5 year olds, and we have every right to be here. If you would please let us pass, we'll be out of your hair in 2 minutes." he grabbed his brother's hand, trying to calm him down.

At this point, Victor and Yurio had seen enough of the conversation. Yurio was about to walk over there and slap some sense into the old woman, before Yuri Katsuki, grabbed his wrist, sensing the anger and disdain drifting from the younger boy.

Victor however, walked over and demanded to understand what was going on.  Mrs. Takahiro tried to make herself sound like the victim, telling him how the two boys had walked in and started making an issue and how she had asked them to leave multiple times before he had walked in.  Yurio took that as his chance to walk over to Victor and the lady and show them the recording of the argument.

-After watching the video-

Mrs. Takahiro paled, seeing herself on camera. 

"So," Victor casually began, "The only issues I'm seeing here are that you are mocking MY son's height and refusing them entrance for their training. Correct me if I'm wrong Mrs. Takahiro, but this recording doesn't appear to line up with the story that you gave me.  I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask you to leave, because I do not tolerate liars."

Mrs. Takahiro huffed and walked out of the building, letting out a string of curses directed towards the older Russian skater.

-Time skip to after practice-

M/n ran out the door and down the street, back to his house. He picked up his skate board and road down to the park.

His phone dinged. Looking down, he sees a text from his cousin, Leo.

Pyromaniac <3

Hey dude

Hey Leo, what's up?

ew grammar

anygays~ Im back in town and wanted to see 

if you and Lev wanted to hang out

Lev is still at practice with dad and papa,

 but I can meet you at the cafe by my house

Oh! oki doki see there! 

-back with M/n-

You grab your skateboard and ride to the cafe.  A mess of blue hair catches your attention and you laugh to see your older cousin standing in front of you.  Your smile widens as you see him holding a(n) {favorite drink} in his hand.  You jump off your board and tackle him in a hug.  Together, the two of you spend the rest of the day, hanging out and riding around town.


(not my art- credits to the original artist)

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(not my art- credits to the original artist)

_OceanEyed_Softie_  Hey guys! guess who's back in Tokyo! Spent the day with my baby cousin @smolbean.y/n,  This dude is hella talented-

Likes: 1.5k

Comments: 932

RandomExtra1: Damn he's he single???

@Smolbean.y/n: thank you???

RandomExtra2: Oki but like- if he stepped on me I'd say thank you

@smolbean.y/n: please dont get hurt :(

@Kurooster: M/n! you can skateboard?!

@smolbean.y/n: I mean- yeah?

loading more comments...



Hey my lovelies!

I know this was a longer chapter, and I'm sorry if its confusing, I've been running low on ideas lately..

If you read this, could you please comment a title name, because I need a better title than what I have right now.  Thank you for so many reads, I honestly was not expecting that, and although I can't promise a set date for the next chapter to be out, I'll try to get it out soon.


side note/ pole:

who would you guys like to see more interaction with?




-Yuri On Ice

also, do you want more time with Leo and should I add in a few more OCs as friends or relatives?

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