Chapter Three

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I felt my cheek grow red, as he pulled away.

"W-what was that for?" I hesitated for a moment as I asked.

"Just an I'm-sorry-can-you-forgive-me kiss." He smiled, I cuddled up next to him and he wrapped his arm around me.

I turned the t.v on and put on the News.

"Tonight at 5." Said the voice.

"Upcoming news," A blonde haired woman was outside standing in front of 'Vegas' the bar name in fancy writing, with police tape surrounding it, I knew where that was it wasn't far, I sat up.
"A new body found dead in the back of Vegas, the autopsy said that the victim was raped several times, had been choked with a rope, and was taken about four days ago."

"We believe that she drove home, the UNSUB came in, raped and killed the returned her back here. Her name was Jennifer Marks, other employees said that Jen was a happy, joyful person everyone loved her. The last time they saw her she was walking to her car, then drove off." The woman said with a bright red nose, she was shivering. The camera moved over to the body about three feet away, I could see defensive marks on her arms and hands.

"She tried fighting back." I said breaking the silence.

How did I know about this? I wanted to be in the FBI since like ever. I loved the thrilled, catching the UNSUB-unknown subject-and making him/ her pay for what they did. Well, I had to know I wanted to be in the FBI one day.

He nodded. "I can tell, it's the second one in the past three weeks." He said.
"I hope they catch him or her, I'm pretty sure it was a he because she was raped repeatedly."

"I know, me too it's getting out of hand." He replied, and turned his head towards the t.v.

"If anyone has any information about Jennifer Marks, or has contact who she was last seen with, please call the number on your screen. I'm Marisa Cooks, and this is your Channel 5 News."

I got up quickly to call my mom to see if she was okay, she picked up on the last ring.

She was giggling just like Madi today at lunch, "Hello?" She cleared her throat.

"Um.. Hey mom when are you coming home?" I asked crossing my arms, holding the phone.

She was laughing lightly the whole time I was talking, I remembered that laugh. She laughed like that when my dad was alive. They loved each other so much it was so cute they most likely never fought. It was just Jack, my parents, and I. I started tearing up just thinking about them. My brother and dad died in a car crash two years ago, I still think about them.

Dean was looking at me and was mouthing 'are you okay?' I nodded and he walked over to me.

"Oh I totally forgot, um yeah I'll be there," She paused.

She was doing something with someone exactly like with Madi and Cole. "In.. 15 okay?"

"Um okay.." I hung up, threw the phone, and looked at Dean.

He pushed me up against the wall, not to hard but enough for me to feel his heat on my body. My breathing hitched and bit my lip, why does he keep teasing me?

"Don't worry about your mom okay?" He said whispering in my ear, and he moved his head lower down near my neck.

"W-why?" I kept hesitating, I really really wanted this. I just wanted to whisper in his ear kiss me hard.

"Just focus on us right now.." He replied and softly kissed my neck.

Then front door flew open.

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