Moments like these

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Sorry guys that i havent upodated in a while, been busy with christmas... oh and btw, MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone who is celebrating today! Well, ill stop with the excuses...

Thias chapter isnt the best but hopefully it will get better the more i write!

Again, comments/votes would be Amazayn ;)



Chapter 3

Moments like these

Maddi’s POV


Harry is the last one to jump into the pool. He’s such a baby sometimes.

“It’s just water. Of course it will be cold when you first jump in silly” I tease.

He pokes his tongue out at me and dives in over Louis head.

“Watch it” Louis calls, “Geez man you almost kicked me in the head”.

“Boo Hoo” Harry coos.

As if he can talk.

I turn to Niall who is still holding me around the waist from when we jumped in together. He’s been holding me this way for at least five minutes and I never want him to let go. It feels so good, the way his body is mould around mine and his arms feel so strong and secure, like I would be safe from anything in this world as long as I have him.

Wow, I’m even surprising myself today. I’ve had a couple of boyfriends over the past ten years and I’ve never felt this way about any of them. It was just a stupid little crush.

Stop Maddi, this is crazy. Niall could never fall for you, your just an ordinary girl who was in the right place at the right time.

I close my eyes and fold myself even deeper into Niall, I feel him gaze down at me. He suddenly looks up, I look up too. That’s when everything goes black…




Beep, Beep, Beep

No I’m totally kidding.

Niall suddenly looks up, just as a ball comes flying at my face and hits me smack bang on my nose. Niall lets go of me so I can get up.

I demand in an overly sarcastic voice “Who threw that? Watch it or next time you will be the one without feeling in your nose”.

Liam’s POV


“Zayn, over here” I Howl as he chucks the ball over to me. I catch it I’m my right hand and start bouncing it on my head. One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven. On the eighth bounce, it hits me on the forehead and shoots forward towards maddi's face and hits her right on the nose. Ouch.

She gets up quite quickly, more out of shock hopefully and demands with hints of sarcasm trailing in her voice “Who threw that? Watch it or next time you will be the one without feeling left in your nose”.

I duck under the water, but not quick enough as she snaps her head over in my direction, flashes me the cheekiest /grin and splashes after me through the water. I run up the steps to the smallest slide and slip down it.

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