what does maladaptive daydreaming cause?

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like before here is music to listen to while you read this.

maladaptive daydreaming causes you to do a lot of things that you don't realize you do until someone tells you,

1. twitching, this I thought was my ADHD not liking me, little did I know this was caused by a mix of anxiety and Maladaptive daydreaming (MDD) if you are in your daydream you might twitch and this is because your brain is trying to filter out what's real and what's not and it usually does not work, so the daydream feels real and can sometimes become a short term memory.

2. Pacing, you might pace around. this mostly would happen if in your daydream you are mad, or even if you are just moving around in your daydream, i pace a lot but its mostly in the morning (which is one thing that is a trigger of my MDD) [explained on another page].

3. mumbling, you will most likely mumble a lot and this is because like I said before your brain is trying to filter out what's real and what's not, and if you talk to someone/something in said daydream you might look like your talking or even talk out loud making people offended and that is why mumbling with MDD is such a problem.

4. facial expressions, it will most likely make you, make random facial expressions, a personal experience I had was with my, My Hero Academia maladaptive daydream (this one lasted a year) and a character fell out of a tree and I laughed while my mom was telling me to do something, so of course I panic and I ended up telling her "im sorry a funny memory was replaying in my head, continue on." and she believed me she always believes me when I say these things I don't think shes gonna figure it out so i'm gonna wait till i'm older and in college or something and i'm going to come home and say "mom I have maladaptive daydreaming and I have since I was 9 I just never told you." and I'm expecting at that point that she is going to question the heck out of me.

so yeah move on to the next page to learn about what triggers MDD!

oh and I will say this again, this is not something to be ashamed of.

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