Chapter 10

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(Kurapika POV)

The next day after I woke up I was confused still and was questioning why he removed the bracelet but one thing I do know is that since it is off I might be able to set my hair plan in motion to on escaping cause I don't know how much longer I can stand being with these spiders. Chrollo came on out of nowhere and said "meet in the main part of the base" and walked away. Something about him seemed different but I couldn't quite place my finger on it. So decided to go ahead and head to the main part of the base to see what he has to say cause I never know it could aid me in my plan or even defeating the spiders. When walked in as usual everyone was sitting down and being silent waiting for me to come in cause apparently i was last but i didn't cage I just sat down and waited. Of course one of them had to the nerve to come up to me and try to be all friendly he had blonde, short hair and I believe they called him Shalnark he always was loud and sort of reminds me of Gon and Leorio in a way. He was one of the members I tolerated more then the others and he just came up to me and said "hi Kurapika I don't think I was able to properly introduce myself don't worry I'm not looking for a fight or wanted to annoy you just wanted to say hi." I was actually rather surprised as how friendly he was to me considering he is a spider but I guess at the same time I am still hate to admit it a member myself but hopefully not for much longer and I still hate the idea I am even hanging out with the troupe still. It makes me feel utterly disgusted and furious but for now I kept my temper in check for now so I don't start a fight at the moment so I just gave him a nod and he walked away still smiling. Sometimes I wonder how people can stay so positive and smile all the time honestly I wonder that. While I was deep in thought until I heard Chrollo clear his throat. At this point everyone was quiet and paying attention. He said "thanks everyone for coming on such a short notice as you know I have been having you stay together for a while so that are newest member can start getting accustomed to us but for now I decided we will split up so you can relax and prepare for the upcoming mission that is in three weeks from now. So in three weeks I want everyone to meet up again in York New City and please don't be late cause the later everyone is longer it will take to complete the mission so everyone got it?" Everyone one nodded and I realized this is the opening I have been waiting for I have the special remover and the ring is off so I can finally escape. For the first time in a little while I finally felt a little bit of happiness knowing that I will hopefully be able to get away and continue my goals and where I left off from so just like this everyone started to walk out the door when Chrollo grabbed my wrist pretty tightly and I felt what like Nen go on me end I yanked my hand away and looked back at Chrollo. He said to me "i put a Nen ability on you this makes it so in three weeks time I can track you and if you aren't at York New city in three weeks time i will track you down and bring you back with me myself so as long as you are in York New city wether with your friends, Nostrade family or someone else as long as you are there in three weeks time then you are good but if you aren't then I will
bring you back straight to the base with me got it?"
He said in a stern tone but I wasn't scared of him so I just rolled my eyes and nodded and ran off. After I was away I actually started smiling because I was finally free to do what I wanted even if it's just for a little bit before I had to get serious again but for now I just kept running with a smile on my face and actually felt happy. I knew that no matter what happens I will make sure I'm never caught in the spiders web cause they will be the one caught. I will be the one the chain them down and so with a smile on my face and the wind hitting my face I ran off into the distance and disappeared.

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