Chapter 6

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(Chrollo pov)

As I walked in the base with the chain user in my hands I saw the troupe just looking at me and i said to them "as of today the chain user is now a member of the troupe so I expect you all to treat him as a equal and make sure he doesn't try to run away or attack you and if he does you have my permission to fight back but you are not allowed to kill him to injure him seriously just fight back enough to get him to beck down and if he doesn't then call for me and I will come immediately to deal with the situation so am I clear" the whole troupe responded back "yes boss" so then after that I carried him to my room and while he was still asleep I put a special ring on his finger that is infused with nen that will make it so he can't use his nen on me and also so he can't take it off so after I do that I lay him down and I sit by while waiting for him to wake up.

(Kurapika POV)

I felt myself on what feels like something rather hard but also what feels like fabric so I slowly open my eyes and let my eyes adjust for a moment or too and then I fully open them and look around. The first thing that catches my eye is I see Chrollo sitting down staring at me and I then remember the most recent events that occurred and felt anger rush through the veins and I look at him and ask with some venom on my tone "where the hell are we" he replied back as calm as ever without his voice wavering "we are at the moment on our base also see this ring on your finger" he pointed to my finger and sure enough on the opposite hand off my chains there a a ring and I looked at him confused and said with some sass behind my voice "what makes this ring so special seems like and everyday ring to me" he then chucked a little and said " that is no ordinary ring you see it's a special ring that blocks your nen so you can't use it and also don't bother trying to take it off see it also makes it so you can't take it off only I can take it off and at the moment I can't trust you without it on at the moment around us anyway but I can however make it so you can use your nen when I feel like it. Speaking of it we have a mission coming up soon and all troupe members are participating that includes you too as well little Kurta~" I then yelled back "no way I will help you I'd rather die then help you spiders" he then came up to me and with and grabbed my face with a pretty strong grip and I felt a little pain from it he said to me with a dominant and rather scary voice that sent shivers down my spine "listen you are in our base and sense you are now apart of the Phantom Troupe wether you like it or not I am now your boss so you listen to me and if you don't there will be consequences like for example I can kill this Neon girl or even one of your dear friends so I wouldn't go trying to act like you are free cause you are now caught in the spiders web and you will never get out of it so i would recommend putting that attitude and temper in check so you don't have to face consequences" he find let go of my jaw and stepped back and said "well must check on something but if see that your gone there will be consequences" and with that he left and I was just still sitting there frozen and processing what he said and I knew right then and there I am in a very bad situation and I knew I must try to find someway to escape but with his threats fresh on my
mind and the ring on my finger blocking my nen I knew at the moment that I was practically at there mercy and have really no means of self defense and without my nen I am nowhere near powerful enough to gave them in a fight true I have my agility and my physical strength and fighting abilities I'll still need to be able to use nen to capture and kill them so right now I really am caught in there web at the moment so I knew right now was not the best time to make an escape but maybe if I earn there trust enough then he might remove the ring and maybe even allow me to be able to walk by myself to places without him being there and if that's the case then I can take that time to come up with a plan and explain to Leorio, Gon and Killua and maybe Melody but definitely those three and come up with something together normally I would try to do something like this all on my own and leave them out of my fight against the spiders but I knew logically thinking I needed help to take down the rest of the spiders. I felt something I haven't felt on a little bit after the most recent events strong determination and I also felt my resolve grow stronger then ever. I said to myself watch out spiders cause soon enough I will get out of your web and soon you will be the ones chained down and with this I felt lots of determination and I smirked a little knowing this I will get out of here no matter what it takes and when I do the spiders will pay and I'll make sure they are chained to hell.

Caught in the spiders web (completed)Where stories live. Discover now