Baby - Woozi of Seventeen

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I haven't updated in a while, I've been busy with school. 9th grade is harder than it is in movies 😭

Plot: Woozi and the rest of Seventeen just got done with Mansae promotions, and Woozi calls you to come and hang out with him and the members because they haven't seen you since they have been preparing for Mansae.

Woozi POV:

"Hey everybody, I'm just gonna go and call M/N to see if he wants to come and hang out"

"All right" Everyone says.

I go to my room and call M/N

Bold is Woozi
Underline is M/N

Hey M/N, I was just wondering if you wanna come to the dorms to hang out with me and my members?
Oh of course I can. Let me just get ready, I can't exactly go out without my shirt on!
I blush a little at that sentence
Oh okay, just call when you get here so that I can let you in
All right, bye!

The call ended.

To be completely honest, I have never seen M/N with no shirt on. I have always imagined him with abs, because he works out a lot.

20 minutes later

I pick up the phone
Hey, it's me, M/N. I'm here now
Okay, I'll let you in

*goes to door*


"I've missed you so much." I say
"Back at you." He says.

"Look, the members are in the living room, trying to pick out a movie. Wanna join?" I ask
"Why, of course" M/N says

We go and sit down at the couch, with M/N sitting down first, and me in his lap. (He is 5'9, and as you can imagine, that's a big difference than 5'5)

"Aww, you're so cute together." Jeonghan says
"Oh shut up, Jeonghan" I say
"Ooo, someone's feisty today" Vernon says
I shoot a death glare at them, and they know to leave me alone when they get the death glare.

"So, what movie are we watching?"

"We are watching Inside Out. It came out last year (remember that Mansae came out in 2016), and we haven't seen it yet, so why not?" Says S.coups

"Okay then" M/N

30 minutes later, M/N POV

I'm tired, maybe if I take a nap, but everyone will know that I haven't been getting sleep, because they know I never take naps. But, I am just so tired. *sigh* I'll just take a nap, hopefully no one will notice. Woozi is already sleeping, hehe. He probably overworked himself again.

I'll just take a nap, yeah.


"Omg, Hoshi, look" Says Seungkwan

"What?" Says Hoshi

"Look!" Says Seungkwan. He points at M/N and Woozi

"Oh wow, they are both sleeping. I understand why Woozi is sleepy, but M/N? He always sleeps fine and never takes naps. Wonder what's going on with him" Hoshi says.
"Yeah, me too" Says Seungkwan

2 hours later, the movie is over and it's 9pm

"Okay everyone, let's head back to our rooms." Says S.coups.

"But hyung, what about Woozi-hyung and M/N-hyung?" Says Dino

"Let's leave them be, both must be really tired." Says S.coups.

They all leave to their dorms
M/N and Woozi are still on the couch, fast asleep.

The next day, still 3rd POV:

The first to wake up is DK. He wanted to make breakfast, so he got up early to do it. He saw Woozi and M/N still on the couch, sound asleep.

He went to wake them up, but only to discover that M/N wasn't actually there.

I am so sorry, but it's 11pm, my phone is at 10%, and I have school tomorrow, so I probably won't update until tomorrow night, if I remember. I will try though

Hopefully you found this story interesting, and I'll make a part 2 soon.


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