5.2 - Donna: The Recovery (Or Lack Thereof)

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"I'll wait at the gate," he called over his shoulder as they parted ways.

She nodded in response despite the fact he couldn't see her before she made it to her car and unlocked it, climbing inside. Donna took a few moments to collect herself and breathe. In and out. In and out. Heavy breaths as she tried to push aside the events of the day. But she didn't linger. She couldn't. So, she shoved the key into the ignition and turned it, the car sputtering to life, roaring beneath her as she pulled from the parking space and followed after him.

Josh was, indeed, waiting for her at the gate and, when her lights came up behind him, he pulled from the parking garage and turned right onto H St NW. She followed, but instead of doubling back toward Georgetown, he continued downtown to a rather swanky place she was surprised he knew about. She tried not to be impressed, but couldn't help it when she finally parallel parked, turned off her car, and slid out into the cold, D.C. air. Her breath plumed in a fine mist as she waited for him, huddled in her coat, hands tucked up under her arms for warmth. Thankfully, he wasn't much further behind her, parking a few places further along and rejoining her. When he opened the door to the bar for her, she stepped inside with a whispered and fond, "thank you."

The typical Friday night crowd in D.C. was thin on the ground, but she imagined that, as the evening went on, the bar would get more and more crowded. She just hoped that they could leave before that happened. Maybe the dull drone of talking would take Josh's mind off of whatever was bothering him, but she doubted it would help her. She had a feeling that, today, it would do little other than make her emotions and feelings worse.

"Follow me," Josh said from close to her ear. She felt the solid warmth of his hand on the small of her back, but it was gone before she could fully appreciate it.

She followed him to the back corner of the bar, where he found a lone booth away from the crowd and away from any windows or the front door. The realization of that made a pang of sadness shoot through her, a frown pulling her lips down and wrinkling her mouth at the corners. In the rather dim light, she watched him closely as he sat down and got comfortable. Any earlier thoughts that maybe he was getting better after seeing Stanley went out the window. He was getting worse.

"What do you want?" He asked as she started pulling off outerwear to get more comfortable before settling into the booth.

"I'll take a Budweiser."

He nodded and stood back up, slipping away to the bar before quickly returning with a smile that made the dimples at his cheeks deepen. "Drinks ordered."

She tucked a lock of hair behind an ear and couldn't help but smile back at him. "Thanks, Josh."

Another nod and he slid into the booth across from her. "So, what's up with you asking me out for drinks? This isn't a date, is it? Did I forget a work anniversary or something? You know you're the one who's supposed to remind me of these things."

Donna snorted and shook her head. "No, it's not a work anniversary. I just thought that maybe you wouldn't want to be alone tonight."

Josh looked startled for a moment. "What made you think that?"

Another pang of worry shot through her. "Today, Josh. The intern?"

His face darkened at the memory, eyes narrowing as he looked away from her. "I'm fine."

"You're a bad liar."

"You don't know me very well, Donna."

"I know you well enough, Josh." A waitress brought their drinks and set them down in front of them before quickly scurrying off. Donna could feel the tension in the air, and she didn't like it. "It's okay, you know?"

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