chapter five

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well that was a lie.
" finished. "
david breathed a sigh of relief yet still retching " aye but not quite. " alex chucked him the hammer we had bought several hours before, david caught it " looks a bit shallow. " he pointed to the pit alex had dug " don't worry " alex brushed it off, i sure hope it's nothing to worry about. " is this necessary? " david gulped remarking to the appalling thing that we all knew was coming, " yes, now come on. all or nothin' "
i watched david smash up hugo's face. it wasn't bad. i won't be able to forget it though.

i sat lonely in my room. my ' kiss me, kiss me, kiss me ' vinyl played softly as i watched it spin on the turntable. the sight of hugo's bashed in face replayed in my mind as i rolled off my spot on the springy mattress, i lit up a joint that was led on my bedside table and made my way to the window seat in my room. what are we gonna do with all this cash?
" be careful "
" alex! "
" i don't know why we couldn't just stuff it in a mattress..or under the floorboards! "
" stop nagging, alex "
" we could have hidden it in the fridge "
i could hear some sort of pandemonium going on in the hallway between juilet and alex, i don't care enough to look.

" help us raise funds for the sick children's unit! "
we were at some kind of charity ceremony that juilet was invited to, i didn't particularly want to go, but here i am. " you never told me this was for children! i hate children! " alex laughed surprisingly and looked at juilet " i'd raise money to have the little fuckers put down." he gave me a cheeky look, i rolled my eyes and smiled at him " oi! i want my money back " he yelled up at the host, causing me and juilet to laugh, david to scoff and pinch his temples and loads of people to turn and look judgmentally which only made us laugh more. alex took a swig of his champagne and slumped back into his chair, he looked over to me and gave a grin. i giggled and drank some of my drink not braking eye contact, i stopped paying attention to anything else after that.
" are we going to dance? " juilet asked alex which broke me out of my daydream, you've got to be joking me. " well, it's physical contact isn't it? " he smiled and they both got up, alex shot me an apologetic look. not too sure why, i gave him a half sided smile in response and off the went. hand in fucking hand. me and david sat in silence, i glared at them spitefully as they span and danced around. they look so happy. i felt myself getting quite upset, what has she got that i haven't? i downed my glass and slammed it onto the table sourly, david jumped slightly and looked just as upset. this totally sucks.

" look over there! it's cameron! " alex pointed to some little ginger lad with a bucket of roses from across the room.
" who? "
" you remember cameron.. "
" no. " i said bluntly
" what's he doing here? "
" that's not him "
" it is. cameron! "
" cameron, come on over here. come on! " alex called him over, a cigar hanging from his chops lazily. cameron made his way over to our table " what? " he asked confused yet smiling, there was a pause before alex blew a fat cloud of smoke into his face " nothing. we thought you were someone else. " alex tried so hard not to laugh, me and juliet stifled our laughs before we all started laughing, david just sat there. why so serious man. " good luck! " alex shouted to cameron who was half way across the room by now. " what i wanting to say was this- " david began, we all turned our attention to him " aha! the divine juilet! long time no see " this old grey haired bloke walked over to us " brian! " she sounded surprised, i looked over to david who looked he was gonna fight the gezzer! " would you care to dance? " matey boy smiled and held out his hand " hold on, who do you think you are? " david stood up intimidatingly, me and alex exchanged glances and held back our laughter " what? " he looked taken back slightly " who do you think you are? you interrupted us. " david wasn't happy " i'm brian mckinley! and who are you? " i've never seen this man in my life, are we supposed to know him? " well, brian mckinley, if you wanna talk to my girlfriend. you talk to me first. if you wanna dance, you apply three weeks in advance...or your gonna end up in a fucking bin bag! " david shouted into the shorter blokes face, he looked around and quickly fled. we all gathered around david, laughing and congratulating him.
" you really explored your maleness to the full there! "
" you think so? "
" well he certainly had a good look around! " i laughed and gave david a friendly push,
" you were magnificent. "
"...yeah "
" fuckin bin bag " alex cackled.

yoooo quite a long chapter my darlings! hope it's up to scratch, i was multitasking whilst writing this lol. love a good bit of southpark whilst writing a ewan mcgregor fanfic 🥰👍

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