Chapter 9

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A week later

I closed the door behind Mitch and watched as he walked around the corner. I was back at the static home so I locked the door behind me and just crashed onto the sofa.

We had been out on a date in the park, there were fireworks and cotton candy, it was so perfect!

I typed a quick message to him, 'get home safe!' and plugged my phone into the charger. It was only 5pm but I was beyond exhausted,  I hadn't slept much last night, if you know what I mean.

After a quick bowl of cereal I hopped into bed, not bothering to change into pjs.

'Just a quick nap' I said to myself, snuggling down into the duvet, thoughts of the day sending me into a blissful sleep


i jolted out of bed, slowly remembering what on earth was going on. I checked the clock, 10pm.

As the phone started ringing again i went to lift it.

'Probably just Mitch wanting to say goodnight' i thought. Boy was I wrong.

"Hello, is this Ella Parker?"
"Uh hello? Who is this?"
"This is the hospital, you're down as Mitchell Harper's emergency contact correct?"

My world spun, and fear washed over me. What happened!!!????

"Oh my god yes yes"  i cried with panic, "Is he ok??"

"I'm sorry but your boyfriends been in a horrible accident, please come to the hospital quickly, emergency ward 23."

"I'll be right there."

I threw my shoes on and grabbed a coat, running out the door, sobbing, making a call to Jing.  

"Ella it's so late!"
"Jing help me, please" I sobbed, "Mitch's been in an accident, we need to go to the hospital, please help"
"Oh my god Ella, stay where you are. I'll drive you"
"Thank you" i sobbed, hanging up

I opened my chats with Mitchell as I waited for Jing, flicking through old photos and I Love Yous.

"Baby please be okay" I cried to open air.

Very soon after, Jing pulled up in a car with her mum. I hopped in and Jing handed me a tissue for my eyes, but she was clearly crying too. She had updated the class but they understood how I desperately wanted to be alone with him.

Soon the hospital came into view and i threw open the still moving car door, running into the hospital, tears streaking down my face.

' Ward 23, Ward 23, Ward 23' I said to myself, dodging past nurses and doctors as I ran down the hall, finally finding it and throwing open the door.


The silence rang in my head, and i fell to the floor, distressed beyond belief. The thought in the back of the mind making me sick, yet still a thought i forced myself to think.

Is he dead.

I began sobbing on the floor of ward 23, heaving sobs, ugly cries and all, praying to a God i wasn't sure existed that Mitch would be okay.

Suddenly the door opened and a nurse came in, on the larger side, 45, 50 maybe. Kind eyes.

"Ella?" she questioned

I only managed to nod my head, hiccuping from the crying.

She helped me stand up and brought me into a hug, soothing me.

"There there" she whispered, rubbing my back.

"Is he ok?" i whispered, afraid of her answer

She looked at me with a weak smile on her face, almost as if trying to pick her next words very carefully.

"Come with me" she said, beckoning me through the door. 

Obviously I followed.

"He was hit with a car, quite badly damaged" she began, then stopped noticing the tears beginning to fall again.

"Don't worry sweetheart, he's in emergency surgery right as we speak"

"But will he be okay?" I spoke, softly this time, so sad i was past the point of tears.

"We hope" was all she replied with, as she took me to the waiting area outside the surgery room he was in.

"I'll come back to check on you soon okay sweetheart?" She smiled at me weakly, full of sympathy. I liked her.

I curled myself up into a ball, crying again, looking through the photos and texts again, the 'Get home safe!' still on delivered.

I wept quietly, all alone in the waiting room, slowly crying myself to sleep.

I woke some time later, wrapped in a thick navy blanket. That kind nurse must have left it for me.
Looking up to a large clock on the wall i saw it was 1am. I began to walk around the hospital, (it's rather eerie at night you know) finally seeing someone familiar, RemDogg

"How is he?" he asked, clearly trying to hide the fact he was crying.

"Still in surgery" I replied.

"Jing and her mum are out there somewhere" he told me, gesturing wildly.

"Thanks" I smiled weakly. We didn't say much but it was ok. We understood.

I found a vending machine and grabbed a can of coke, and took a sip. I immediately felt sick and binned the whole thing.

It was so sudden, but I realised just how exhausted i was.

"Still?" I thought to myself, remembering how much I had slept. Maybe if i wasn't asleep I could have walked Mitch home. Maybe we could be cuddled up watching Netflix instead of  this.

2 tear drops slid silently down my face as I walked back to the waiting room. and curled back up into a ball again on the cold chair.

I slid my hands into my pockets, or, Mitch's pockets. It was his jumper after all. I breathed in his scent, still lingering on it and tried to avoid the thought that this could be the last thing I have to remember him by.

"Please be okay baby" I whispered, before falling back into a fitful sleep.

This cycle of waking up and eating and falling back asleep and tossing and turning and waking up and eating and falling back asleep and tossing and turning and waking up  happened a lot until I finally fell into a deep sleep around 3am.

So glad to be back to writing again! Forgot how much I loved this story omg. Enjoy!
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