Chapter 2

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time skip : 1 week later

I heard my phone ring and i groaned, pulling my pillow up over my ears. I had a banging hangover and I was so not in the mood.

Last night Chantelle and Stephen took me out to a party, to 'break me in' as they called it. All of form K were there except mitchell and it was fun but i found myself missing him.

'Ella!' i told myself, 'you're having a fun night out with friends, you'll see Mitch in school tomorrow it's fine!' but i just kept missing him more and more as the night went on.

I let the phone ring on and buried myself into my duvet. I was just about to drift off when i heard it again

"UGH" i called out to an empty house. My mum had gone on a 3week long cruise with her new boyfriend, leaving me in the house all alone. It's not like i cared anyway, she's a sorry excuse cause for a mother. But what do you do home alone with a hangover? Sleep.

I groaned and whined and finally picked up my phone to see that the call was from an unknown number.

"Hey Ella, where are you?"

I could recognise that voice anywhere. Mitchell

"You sound dreadful"

I felt bad for being so dry with him, but i was exhausted. Any other day i would be buzzing at the fact he called me! Wait, he called me?

"How did you get my number?"
"Chantelle, i asked her the other day"

I blushed, he wanted my number!

"Anyway, where are you?"
"I already told you, you muppet, i'm at home"
"Jesus Ella"

I could hear him laughing through the phone

"Home Home or Static Home?"
"Static Home"
"I'll be there in half an hour"
"you what?!! Mitch i'm hungover and haven't showered you're not coming over"
"So you wanna pass out on Mitchell Harper's famous hangover cure?"

I laughed. I could shower in half an hour easily.

"Fine. Bring Nando's."
"Can't wait" he laughed

I hung up and set about getting ready. Hungover or not there was no way i was letting the boy of my dreams come over if i looked like this.

I rang the group chat (Chantelle Stephen and I) straight away to let them know what happened.

"Ella! Do you fancy him?" Chantelle yelled through the phone
"I don't know! I've only known him a week but"
"DO YOU?" Stephen shouted
"enough with the shouting guys im hungoverrrr" i whined, "but yes, i really do"
"Go shower!" they yelled

I hung up and hopped in the shower, letting the warm water run down my body. I was having a moment, feeling cool and sexy, until i doubled over and vomited onto the shower floor. Fucking hangover

I got out of the shower and quickly dressed into joggers and a jumper.

'It might be mitchell but i'm not getting dressed up to vomit in a bucket' i said to myself

I had just dried my hair when i heard a knock at the door, butterflies building in my stomach. I almost ran to the door before laughing at myself and relaxing.

It's only Mitch, just be yourself.

I opened the door and he smiled at me, nando's bag in one hand, and a bottle of green goop in the other. I pulled him into a hug, happy to see him, and let him inside

He dropped the food on the counter and handed me a bag of chips but i pushed it away

"God, sorry i know i asked for it i just" i stopped speaking, about to gag

He laughed at me and pushed the bag of food into the fridge, "Later maybe"

I walked back into my bedroom and he followed me in, he looked nervous almost.

'Don't be silly' i told myself 'He doesn't fancy you he's just never been in your house before'

I sat on my double bed, now made, and he plopped down beside me. We weren't touching, but we close enough that we could be, if we wanted to. I closed my eyes and imagined if he was mine, how we could be cuddling right now and sighed.

I gave him a weak smile, "So, about this famous hangover cure?"

He jumped up, "yes!" he exclaimed
i winced, "hangover mitch, no need to yell"

He laughed anyway and went to find a glass to pour the green goop into. I wish he was mine, and i was his, and we were together, but i don't even think I'm his type. He's just looking out for a friend, that's all.

Mitch came back into the room and handed me the glass, "drink it all in one go"

I took a big gulp and spat it right back out again. "Mitch! That's horrible" i gagged and he started laughing

"Go on, just drink it"

I grimaced and downed it all, before handing him back the cup, even queasier than before

"What on earth was in that?"
"Yikes, probably better if you don't know"

I gave him a playful shove and he pretended to be scared, throwing his hands up in the air, and placing them back down, one arm around my shoulder.

My heart was racing and for a moment i could imagine us as a couple, before he pulled his arm away and grabbed the tv remote.

"Wanna watch something?" he asked
"Sure sure"

he flicked through the channels until he found Toy Story 3

"I love this!" i said
"Ha, baby" he teased
"Shut up and put it on"

As the movie came to an end i realised he still had his arm around me, and my head was resting on his chest. I looked up at him and noticed tears in his eyes

"All okay?" i asked, teasing
"Oh shut up Ella, why do i care if andy goes to college!"

He started crying and i grabbed him in a hug

"Aww, i knew you were a softie at heart"
"Cut it out" he said, half laughing half crying
"It's cute"

I realised what i had just said and paused looking up at him and he just grinned

"I'm cute yeah?"
"Come off it, you know what i meant"
"You're cute too E"
"Nickname innit? You call me Mitch, I'll call you E"
"That your favourite word or somethin'?"

I laughed and hugged him again, and we stayed cuddling all evening, binging Netflix.

At some point we must have fallen asleep because i woke up in his arms, to the birds singing.

I grabbed my phone and saw the time

"Shit! Mitch get up"
He laughed at me, "Ella calm down, I'm late every day it'll be grand"

"Cmon, up" i said as i grabbed his arm and dragged him off the bed.

We had leftover nando's for breakfast and my hangover was gone

"Thanks for coming over Mitch, whatever was in that drink worked like magic"

He grinned, "glad to be of service" and we ran out the door to catch the bus.

•much longer chapter, just wanted to show the first time they had a moment, outside of school
•1209 words

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