Chapter One - Sawyer

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"Come on Sawyer!" Melissa whined as I walked into my bedroom towards my computer desk. "You hardly get out the house Sully" she said. I sit in my leather brown swivel chair, and spun around to face her. "Mel I already told you no, I don't want to go to some stupid high school party, I have a lot of work to do and even if I didn't the answer is still no" I said as I shrugged my shoulder.

Mel throws her hand up in the air and marches over to my bed spins around and plops herself onto my bed. "ugh sully I just don't get it, you don't party, this is high school, the time you're allowed to go out have fun but you won't even go with your best friend to a party even if its to make her happy. She said with fake frown on her face

Mel is one of the most dramatic girls I know whenever I don't wanna do what she wants.
Mel and I have known each other for what seems like forever like I've know her as long as I can remember. My dads and her mom are best friends so granted we grew up together. But a few years back she came to live with us after her parents terrible car accident.

Now few years later she's a 5'2 petite girl with long black hair, a beautiful Carmel completion with the most beautiful light brown eyes and of course a personality like no other, and not to mention a little bossy sometimes.

"Earth to sawyer? Are you even listing to what I'm telling you" Mel asked snapping me out of my train of thought. "of course I'm listening, and like I said mel, that's not my type of thing. You more than anyone should know that" I stated spinning back around to my desk to unlock my computer.

"Fine!" She said I turned back around to face her and a small smirk started to form on her face. She gets up from my bed and starts walking slowly towards the door, I watched her curiously wondering what she's up too she breaks the small moment of silence "I guess I'll have to go on my own, all alone, to a party full of strangers." She said dramatically as she put her hand on her forehead and starts walking towards the door.

"Well Bestie wish me luck, I just hope nothing happens to me tonight since I don't have my best friend Sully to protect me and all since he wants to stay home like a party pooper" she said dramatically, she walk up to my closed door and puts her hand on the door. "this could be the las-" I shake my head. "Really Mel?" I cut her off as I roll my eyes. She nods her head. I sigh " FINE, i'll go because knowing you, you actually might be right not because I wanna go" She squeals as she claps her hands.

"I knew my sully wouldn't leave me alone" she said. "whatever give me 10 minutes to get dressed and i'll meet you down stairs" I said as a smile appeared on her face knowing she won like always.

" Kay!" She said cheerfully "meet you downstairs byeeee!" as she walks out my door leading me to get changed. 'hurry up' I hear mel say from a distant on her way downstairs.

I began to search for something very basic to wear like a pair of jeans, a plain tee and some comfortable shoes to wear, I took about 5 minuets to get dress, once I was dress I went into my bathroom and brush my teeth and comb my hair. And like that I was done. I grabbed my car keys and wallet from my desk and began to head downstairs to the kitchen after I decided to wear a pair of light blue jeans, a plain White tee and some black converse.

I walk toward the kitchen where I can hear my dad and Mel talking about who knows what. "hey dad" I gave him a kissed on the cheek and a hug, he must of just gotten home from work. "I'm going out with Mel to a party to babysit her, mind if I take out the car?" I asked him "sure sweetie, Mel already told me. Just call papa on your way there so he knows you guys took the car. And make sure you take care of this gorgeous girl" he said talking about mel. I Rolled my eyes and smiled, my dads are very protective of mel just as much as I am.

"always will," I turn to Mel and signal her to leave. I gave my dad a kiss and a hug once more "bye dad, love you" I said. Mel also give my dad a hug a kiss before going. "bye Julian." Mel said. "bye you too be safe" my dad said as we walk out the front red door. " and don't forget to call dad!" He said to remind me. "okay bye" I said as close the front door behind me.

We began to walk toward the car and I press the unlock button to open the car, We got in, we buckled our seatbelts and I turn on the car, made sure I adjusted the seat and the mirror. I realized I had no Idea where this stupid party was "so where to?" I asked. She take her phone out of her pockets and unlocks it, searching for the information.

"Ahh got it, to that new night club in L.A that just opened up, Club Mercury"she said with a smile. "can you put the Gps please" I asked. She nodded and did just that. I rolled my eyes took a deep breath and started to back up from the drive way and starting heading towards L.A.

The family that owns that night club are one of the most riches family in town, the son is always throwing crazy parties that I never attend to but from what people talk about in school, you can tell no one throw parties like he does. This year he's throwing one in L.A in one of his families newer locations which is not far from here . Mel said it was going to be the biggest party of the year. It's the first time their party is open to the public and apparently everyone will be there. Great.


New and updated so please re-read if you read the old version.

Anywhoo! what do you guys think of the first chapter?

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NOTE: Looking for someone who make amazing book covers, I need something new and fresh since I'm changing everything I think the covers needs a new look. inbox me!

Hope you all have a great day or night lol


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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