chapter 2

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Gina stumbled into the training room where she knew she would find Bolin and Mako. They liked to train late, even though Gina had told them one too many times that they needed their rest. It was dark outside by the time she got home and she was exhausted.

"I'm home," she called out to her brothers and slid onto one of the training mats. They were surprisingly comfortable.

Bolin stopped mid-punch, sparing the beat-up punching bag he was using from another hard hit.

"Where were you?" Bolin asked as he walked over to his sister, "You were only supposed to be gone for an hour and it's been almost 4!"

Mako walked over to them and leaned over Gina, "We were worried sick, Gina. You can't do that."

"I know, I'm sorry, but I kind of got held up at the market," She really did not want to have this conversation tonight, but Gina knew her brothers would not stop pestering her until they got answers.

"Held up?" Mako questioned and narrowed his eyes.

Gina sighed, "The Triple Threat Triad made an appearance, but guess who stopped them?"

She was met with silence.

"Ugh," Gina groaned, "You boys are no fun. The Avatar stopped them! She's in Republic city and I was caught in the chase when she ran away from the police for damaging a few shops. I was at the police station for a couple of hours, but they let me go, so no need to worry."

"The Avatar? The police? At least tell me you weren't recognized by the Triad," Mako's voice raised in volume with every word he spoke.

"No! They didn't see me. I ducked behind a produce bin during the fight."

Mako sighed and ran a hand over his face, "Gina, please never do that again."

She called after Mako as he walked back into the training area, "Don't worry Mako, that was enough excitement to last me a very long time."

"Now that the lecture is over," Bolin interjected, "You met the Avatar! What was she like? Was she pretty? How awesome was her bending? I'm sure it was ama-"

"Bolin! Let me speak, please," Gina laughed at Bolin's excitement, "She was amazing. You should have seen her, tossing those guys like it was nothing. And she was really pretty, Bolin, probably the prettiest girl I've ever seen," She started to get a far-off look in her eyes when she spoke about Korra. Bolin noticed the dreamy smile on her face and his mouth contorted into a cheeky grin.

"Gina..." Bolin said her name in a sing-song voice.

"What?" She looked at him confused.

"You have a crush on the Avatar!" Bolin yelled, and Mako glanced over at her, his eyebrows raised.

Gina was still seated on the training mat, so she pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Her face turned bright red, "What? No I don't. And, it's not like I'm going to see her again."

"She's right Bolin. We have more important things to worry about anyway, like what we're going to do about our match against the Tigerdillos in three days," Mako spoke up in the middle of a training sequence he was doing.

Gina sighed. Her brother was right, but she was a little sad she wasn't going to see Korra again. The Avatar had made quite the impression on her.

Bolin sighed, disappointed, "Yeah, I guess you're right. That's going to be a tough match."

Gina grinned, "That's why you have me."


Although she was a non-bender, Gina was a master at pro-bending strategy. When her brothers had shown interest in the sport, she started to learn all she could. If they were going to survive, they needed money, and to get money, Bolin and Mako needed to win.

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