chapter 1

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Gina found herself grocery shopping for the second time that week. God, those boys are animals. How can they eat so much in 3 days? With her arms hanging with bags full of food, she started to walk back home. She only stopped when she heard a huge screech of rubber and a loud motor. Gina turned her head around and saw the infamous Triad. She immediately made herself scarce and ducked down behind a produce bin a couple of shops down from the ruckus. If they recognized her for all those jobs she did for them when she was younger, she would be in so much trouble. From them and Mako.

Discreetly, she peaked out from behind the bin and spotted a girl riding a huge polar bear dog, which was heading straight for the Triad. She barely caught the tail end of the shopkeeper and the Triad's interaction when she heard the girl speak in a strong voice, "Or else what, hoodlum?"

Gina narrowed her eyes and watched every move. No one had ever stood up to the triad before. What was this girl thinking?

The triad laughed at the water tribe girl, amused at her effort to intimidate them, "Since you're obviously fresh off the boat, let me explain a couple things. You're in Triple Threat Triad territory, and we're about to put you in the hospital."

The girl smirked, "You're the only ones who are going to need a hospital, and for your sake, I hope there's one nearby." And with that, a fight broke out. Gina was amazed! The girl started out bending water, which she had expected because of her water tribe attire, but Gina was taken aback when she saw the girl throw earth at one of the Triad members. The Triad, obviously scared of the girl, attempted to drive away, but she earth bent again, this time throwing their car into a shop window.

By then, Gina had fully emerged from her hiding spot behind the produce bin and was making her way over to the girl to investigate. She had seen the water tribe girl bend both water and earth, so in Gina's mind, this meant only one thing: this girl was the Avatar.

Airships suddenly appeared from behind the tall buildings surrounding both Gina and the (suspected) Avatar. Gina watched as three officers lowered themselves to the ground with metal bending. She recognized Chief Beifong as she made her way over to the wreckage and effectively arrested the Triple Threat Triad.

"Hey!" Gina jogged over to the group waving her arm, "That was really cool, Avatar," she said with a smirk.

The Avatar turned her attention away from the scene and focused her eyes on Gina.

"Thanks! I haven't been in town very long but that was the most fun I've had in ages. I'm Korra," Korra stuck her hand out for Gina to shake.


"You're under arrest too," Gina was interrupted by one of the male officers.

"What do you mean I'm under arrest too?" Korra demanded as she took a cautious step away from the officer and towards Gina.

"Yeah, officer, what do you mean? She helped stop the Triad. It's about time somebody put in the effort," Gina knew the influence the Triad had on crime in this part of town and she was tired of the lack of action from the police.

The officer gestured to the mess around them, "Looks like you did a lot more damage than the so-called Triad."

He shot a metal cord straight for Korra's wrist, but she grabbed it before it wrapped around.

"Wait, you can't arrest me! Let me explain."

"You can explain yourself all you like down at headquarters."

The officer pulled the cord, but Korra let go and then flung him away from her and Gina. Before Korra jumped on her polar bear dog, she grabbed Gina's hand and threw her onto the saddle. Korra hopped on the saddle, right in front of Gina, and then they took off down the street.

"Wait-" Gina shouted, but she was cut off by a hard jerk. She almost flew off the dog, but she grabbed onto Korra and wrapped her arms around her waist, holding tight. "Where are we going?" Gina yelled as they rode down the street.

"Away from them!" And with that, the polar bear dog leaped, but in mid-air, was caught by the cords of metal bending officers in an airship above them.

Gina finally looked up from her spot buried between Korra's shoulderblades and saw the police blimp above them.

"Mako is not going to be happy with me," she sighed, thumping her head back onto Korra's shoulders.


Gina sat and fidgeted in the interrogation room as she waited for the police. She couldn't see anything on the walls that indicated a door, so she figured she was stuck in here until the metal benders took pity on her. She didn't even do anything! Korra was the one who grabbed her. She jumped in her seat when the wall quickly slid open, revealing an officer. He took a seat on the opposite side of the table and glared at her.

"Why am I here?" Gina asked, unsure of herself. She gently pulled on the handcuffs that were attached to the underside of the table.

"You incited a chase and tried to help the avatar escape," He gave her a look as if to say really?

"Right, that was a stupid question. Where is Korra?"

"I'm the one that is supposed to be asking the questions. So, why did you help her?" He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"What do you mean? She did the right thing, stopping the Triad. They have been giving that neighborhood trouble since as long as I can remember," Gina was starting to get angry. They hurt her and her brothers for years and the police did nothing. Korra had every right to stop them. "Let me talk to the Cheif. She would understand."

"Sorry, darling, but the Cheif-" The officer was stopped as the metal wall slid open again. Chief Beifong stood in the doorway.

"Let her go."

"But Cheif-"

"I said let her go."

The officer stood and removed her handcuffs and tried to take her arm to escort her out of the room, but Gina shook him off. She nodded to Cheif Beifong and whispers a small "thanks" on her way out. She made her way to the front exit of the police station and spotted Councilmen Tenzin and Korra ahead of her.

"Korra!" Gina got the Avatar's attention and jogged a couple of feet to catch up to them, "I just wanted to thank you for standing up to the Triad. They have been causing trouble around here since I was small."

"It was no problem," Korra replied with a smile, "I never got your name?"

"Gina. I'm Gina," she stuck her hand out for the water tribe girl to take, and when they clasped hands, Gina could feel warmth travel up her arm and into the rest of her body. She flushed and took her hand away.

Korra sent her a smile, "Thanks for standing up for me."

Gina felt her heart pick up speed, "It was no problem, really, I-"

"Korra. It's time to go." Tenzin cut into the conversation.

"Alright," Korra sighed, "Goodbye, Gina."

"Bye," Gina sent the Avatar a wistful smile.


A/N- Chapter 1 is done! I just want to say thanks to everyone who started reading this a year ago and apologize that I stopped writing it. I'm really excited to continue now!

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