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Ayumi was about to thank him, but the wind grew stronger, making the tower shake and causing her to lose her balance, blowing the jacket away.

“Shinozaki, are you okay?” Yoshiki said, reaching out a hand to pull her up.

“Yes, but your jacket!” Ayumi looked over to see where the jacket was, and saw it was laying in the elevator, it's sleeve between the shut door.

“I'm going to get it.” Ayumi said. “It's my responsibility for losing it, after all.”

Again, a strong wind blew across the tower, shaking it and Ayumi almost fell again, but was pulled towards Yoshiki's chest this time, who shielded her from the wind.

“Worry about yourself instead of the jacket.”

“...? Kishinuma-kun?” Ayumi mumbled, her face still pressed against his chest.

As the wind stopped, Yoshiki let her go, leaving Ayumi bewildered.

“We should really get out of here, it's getting windy.” Yoshiki mentioned, looking up at the sky where clouds started gathering.

“I agree, we should get going.” Ayumi walked towards the elevator, which was still on this floor, and started pressing the “Open” button.

“It's not coming..” She figured.

“What?! Let me see..”

Yoshiki hit the button in annoyance of it not opening.

“Are you kidding me?! Work you damned thing!”

Ayumi's chest filled with a panicky feeling and she ran over to the iron bars at the edge, leaning over them and shouting desperately.

“Somebody help! The elevator isn't working! Mochida! Nakashima! Anyone!!”

After every shout her breath got panickier and she eventually started hyperventilating.

Yoshiki grabbed her shoulder and looked her in the eyes sternly.

“Shinozaki, calm down! You'll pass out if you continue panicking like this! We'll find a way out!”


“There is no way out Kishinuma!” Ayumi cried out. “Unless suicide is one of your escape plans!”

“Stay calm, I'm sure somebody will come up here sooner or later, or will try and will call someone.”

“Wait, there must be an emergency number at the elevator. Why didn't I think of this earlier.” Ayumi said.

Yoshiki went to check, and surely, there was.

“Shit.” Yoshiki said, as he grabbed his phone.


“The signal is disturbed...”


Ayumi's breath fastened and she started mumbling to herself.

“No, no, no... I don't want this.. I don't want to be stuck here...”

“Guess we gotta wait till somebody comes up here.” Yoshiki said, leaning back.

“What if nobody comes?! Don't be so carefree!”

Yoshiki walked over and put his hand on her head.

“We just have to try, or hope. It'll be alright.”

Ayumi felt herself become calmer and decided panicking won't bring her anywhere.

“Your hand is freezing, Kishinuma.”

“Oh?” Yoshiki lifted his hand from her head. “I didn't mean to make you cold as well, sorry.”


Ayumi grabbed his hands, trying to warm them a bit.

“There is no need to apologize, you should've told me you are cold.

“I'm not that cold, besides, your health is more important.”

“You idiot.. Your health is also important.”

Yoshiki's cheeks started warming up, as he felt Ayumi's breath run over his skin.


“Y-yes?” Ayumi said, a bit startled by the sudden call.


“Well, I.. um..”

“What's wrong, Kishinuma-kun.” Ayumi looked at him sternly.

“I want to tell you something.. but it's really awkward..”

“It can't be half as awkward than what's on my mind, you will impress me if it is.”

“If you want, we could say it together. Maybe that'll make it less awkward.


Field Trip to Paris (Ayumi x Yoshiki)Where stories live. Discover now