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Our phones buzzed. We all looked down at them.

"What does it say?" Gabriel asked.

"It says there's an evacuation. It's says we shouldn't go next to any unknown air craft." I replied to him while the whole ground shakes.

"Oh my god. It's the next 7/11!" Dariush replied.

"We have to get back to the van!" Alex says. "Anyone know the way?"

"I do." Gabriel responds.

"Thank lord. I lost it on the way up here." I reply while Zhen-Zhen, Alex, and I start following Gabriel.

"Uhhhh slow your role Dora the Explorer this is my click. Soldiers out." Darish says while snapping his fingers towards us.

"You make me laugh." I say while rolling my eyes and pulling him towards us. "Let's go."
We all start running and when we reached the ground no one is there.

"They left us! I can't believe it! I knew it was a bad idea to come here!" I say. Lights flashing red again before my eyes. "Uggghhhh." I say while holding my head.

"You good?" Dariush looks at me.

"Yeah." I say and it stops. Then up in the atmosphere things started to explode. "Oh my god." We all hurry to check our phones.

"It's dead! Stupid piece of shit boost mobile." Dariush says while hitting his phone.

"Mines dead too." Alex says while looking at me.

"Any idea what to do next?" I ask him.

"We should stay here and wait until the adults come back to get us."

"That's a horrible idea!...." Dariush starts going on but, I couldn't hear the rest of what he was saying because the flashes were getting worse. "Ahhhhh." I groan out while going to put some water on my face. Then I notice the water ripping and I look up to see military jets flying across the water. It has to be bad if they are flying this close to the ground. I stand up and face the group.

"Hey! Hey! Stop talking look." I say to them rasing my voice. "No body cares who's a virgin and who's not. Nobody cares about the friken bears. Okay? All that matters is that we head back to camp and figure out what the hell is going on. Agree?" Everybody looks at me. "What?" I ask.

"You were all the way over there when we were fighting there's no way you could've heard all of that." Alex replied.

Zhen-Zhen was looking at me weirdly. Which she had a right to because I don't even remember hearing any of that. What's happening to me? Should I tell them? No. Bigger problems.

"Doesn't matter. We have to go. Now." I start running and they all follow me. When we get inside camp everyone is gone except for the drunk counselor who passed out. "Typical." I say and roll my eyes. Zhen-Zhen pats his body down and drinks the rest of what's in his flask.

"Let's go inside and call someone from the phone." Alex suggests. When we get there the phone is dead too. "Must of been an EMP. Everything is down."

"Okay well we need to move we can't just stay here like sitting ducks. We have to leave." Then Zhen-Zhen comes over and already has a bag packed. "See? She was the right idea." Then we hear big commotion outside and we go running to see what it is. All we see is planes fighting different looking planes. Of course Alex know the name of it but I'm not THAT smart so I'm not gonna repeat it. As soon as the human planes fight the weird looking ones I feel sick to my stomach and another horrible flashing sequence begins. "Ahhh." I scream.

"Are you okay?" Gabriel says looking concerned.

"Yeah. Yeah. Come on we gotta go." We all start running as lasers come rushing down towards us. When we reached the woods an capsule comes shooting down.

What's happening?

Gabriel (Alessio Scalzotto) x Reader|End Of The World| Alien 👾 👽❤️💛🧡🔔Where stories live. Discover now