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After a long car ride with Dariush flexing on us poorer people we finally get there. The news we get when we finally reach the lake is even more annoying than the car ride. We can't go on the canoes because someone went to the bathroom in them.

"Ew. Who does that?" I look disgustingly at Alex and right over his shoulder was Zhen-Zhen climbing into the forest. "Alex look." I pointed towards the forest. "Let's go." I tapped Alex. Me and him followed Zhen-Zhen. Then she walked a little too far ahead and we were alone.

"We'll wait for her here." I said and laid face up at the sun.

"Shouldn't we go follow her."

"She wants to be alone Alex. Don't be a creeper."

"Right..." Then we hear a rustle and I stood up. Then, Dariush came out of the woods. I rolled my eyes.

"What were you doing?" Alex asked. I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation because my head was ringing and everything was flashing red. Next thing I knew Alex is screaming and Dariush is next to him at the ledge.

"What are you doing? Leave him alone!" I screamed.

"It's exposure therapy."

"That's crazy." I walk over to them and push Dariush away from Alex. Next thing I knew the rocks underneath me crack and I started falling until someone catched me. He pulled my arm and yanked me up pulling me really close to his body. I held onto him really tight. Then I realized how close we were and coughed awkwardly and stepped back. I got a good look at him. black hair, tan skin. I was gawking.

"Thank you." I held out my hand. "I most likely owe you my life."

"It's no problem." He shook my hand.

"What's your name?"

"Gabriel. You?"


"Uh yeah thank you mountain hobo but, we'll take it from here." Dariush interrupted. At this point Zhen-Zhen joined us.

"He saved my life. Something that shouldn't have happened if you kept your hands to yourself" I spoke at Dariush annoyed.

"She right." Gabriel joined in. Dariush looked at Gabriel and walked towards him.

"Big mistake dude." Dariush spoke as he went into a snake stance. I didn't pay attention to what he was saying because I was forcing myself not to laugh at Dariush's attempt to look cool. Then when things could't get any better Dariush went to kick Gabriel and Gabriel punched him in the face. I couldn't hold back my laughter any longer and cackled.

"Dude. That was sick." I walked over at Gabriel and high fived him. Then I stretched out my hand for Dariush to take. "Now we are even." I laughed a little more. Than we heard a huge boom.

Oh .


Gabriel (Alessio Scalzotto) x Reader|End Of The World| Alien 👾 👽❤️💛🧡🔔Where stories live. Discover now