My broken heart

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Hiro pov

"Ugh!" I rub my head in pain as I wake up to realize I'm not at home but I'm in a hospital room.

"What?, What happened?" I ask my self.

"Hiro!" I turn as in hugged tightly by my aunt Cass.

"I was so worried!, im so glad your okay!"

"Thanks aunt Cass, what happened?" I ask struggling to remember.

"Someone attacked you sweetie you were found on the street completely beat up."

I then remember how i was attacked by those four guys.

"Have... Have any of my friends came by?" I ask

"Hiro no... It's been three weeks since you were attacked, none of them have came."

I feel a great deal of sadness and confusion.

What did I do? why do my friends seem to hate me now?

The next day...

I walk into the nerd lab feeling uneasy with what all has happened...

As I see my friends at the lunch table.

"Hey guys."

"how was the vacation?" Gogo ask coldly

"Seriously hiro! you went on vacation for three weeks with out even inviteing us!" Fred shouts.

"Vacation? I was at the hospital, I was attacked."

Liyer!" Gogo says leaving.

"Not cool dude." Wasabi says as him and the others leave.

I begen to feel tears fall, I don't understand what happing why are they angry at me?

As i make my way to my lab I'm startled to see Victor.

"What the... Victor what are you doing in my lab!?" I ask angry

"Haha oh just making sure your friends hate you..."

"W...what did you say?" I ask shocked.

"I mean it was so funny telling your friends you were on vacation when you were really in the hospital." He says smiling evily.

"You... It was you! Your the one who's been turning my friends against me!"

Haha took you long enough brat!" He says laughing.

"But why?, What did I ever do to you?" I ask

"I was going to be accepted into SFIT by professior Callaghan at the show case but because of you and your damn microbots I was rejected and he chose you!"

I feel really angry and sad at the moment, he's the reason gogo and my friends blamed me!

"Oh and it's no wonder your brother died it was your fault!"

"Don't talk about my brother!" I yell punching him in the face.

Just then my friends come running in.

"What happened!?" Honey yells

I'm about to speck up and explain when Victor interrupts.

I was just helping hiro and he attacked me!"

That is wrong with you hiro!?" Gogo yells going to help him.

"What!? You whore talking about my brother!"

"Hiro Tadashi would be ashamed of you for hurting Victor!" Honey lemon says

"What!?, how can you take his side!, He is turning you against me!"

"Get out!"



But gogo I swear I didn't..."

I SAID LEAVE!" She yells heting me hard in the face.

Gogo pov

I feel my self freeze as i realize what i just did.

As hiro looks at me with tears in his eyes and then runs away leaving me heart broken, I had grown to care deeply about hiro but now he's tuned into a complete jerk.

Hiro pov

I run as fast as I can home to the cafe as my aunt is closeing up i run up to my room and begen to cry my eyes out.

I'm completely heart broken, my own friends turned on me all because of lies! And gogo... The girl i had fallen for hurt me...

"Hiro are you okay!? Whats going on?" My aunt Cass ask coming in.

"They betrayed me..."

"What?" She ask confused.

"My friends they turned against me all because of lies!" I yell crying.

"Oh hiro..." She says hugging me.

"I'm not going back to SFIT I don't want to see them ever again!"

Aunt Cass pov

I feel so bad for nephew but this mite be a good time to tell him about something I've been thanking about for a good while now.

"Hiro how would you feel if we move away, leave San fransokyo and go somewhere else?" I ask

"Wha... What?" He ask

"Hiro I haven't seen you this sad since Tadashi died and I feel it will not be a good idea for you to back to that place so... "

Hiro pov

I thank for a moment as gogos final words she said to me go throw my mind.


At that moment i tighten my fist they never want to see me again! fine there wish is granted!

"Yeah let's move and go somewhere else..." I say trying to smile.

"Oh this is exciting!" She says hugging me.

"I'll start packing up the cafe mind coming to help me?"

"Sure... But I need to go do something frist..."

"Okay oh and you'll also need to get your stove from college just don't take to long. She says leaveing.

I then head over to my robot best friends charging station.


"Hello I am baymax, hello hiro."

"Hey baymax..." I say wipeing a tear.

"Hiro you appear to be sad what seems to be the trouble?" He ask concerned

"Delate and block all contact to gogo and the others..."

"But hiro there your friends." Baymax says.

"Not anymore..."

Delating, all contacts to friends have been blocked." He says.

"Thanks... Come on we need to go out and do a few things..." As we head down to the garage.

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