Harrys first words (continued)

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"I'm sorry James, did you just say our child's first word was Moony?" Said Lily, laughing.
"Unfortunately, yes." Said James, looking disappointed.
"So I'm guessing that's a loss of ten Galleons, James?" Said Lily, eyeing up James.
"Actually, no." Said Sirius. 
"Wow! So there was no bet?" Said Lily, looking shocked.
"Oh there was a bet, but Moony was off the table. Big wuss if you ask me." Said Sirius, grinning.
"Yeah I should have put a couple galleons down. I mean, I definitely have the best name and Harry obviously likes me best" Moony said, smiling.
"Hey, Moony! I'm his dad! He totally likes me the most!"
"James, I didn't hear the name Prongs come out of his mouth."
Lily stood up and looked at all of them, fiercely.
"Come on Boys, stop arguing!"
And then there was a long, awkward pause.
"You boys obviously know that Harry likes me the most!"
"No!" Said James, Sirius and Remus together.
Meanwhile, baby Harry is in the background yelling and jumping in his crib. "Whee! Wheee!"
"Moony! Moony!" Yelled Harry, laughing and jumping.
"Oh lord Remus you have really corrupted Harry."
Said Lily.

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