Chapter Five

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Chapter Five. Sorry it took a while, I was helping
my dad build a new shower.


Dear Diary,
                        The last few years have been the best of my life, I have finally built myself a successful career and fallen in love with the most hopeless romantic in the world. My life couldn't get any better. Except for the fact that Lorretta got kicked me out of the Dawson's house. So basically, I'm homeless. Crashing at Tom's until I can get a place but finding a big apartment in London is hard. 
Trying my best not to have a mental breakdown but I am literally on my final limb here, waiting to hear back from Rob about my toaster from his house. Apparently something's happened with them. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if that b̶a̶c̶k̶s̶t̶a̶b̶b̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶b̶i̶t̶c̶h̶  [Sorry, sorry] Rob's grandma, had something to do with it. We'll see, will we not?


Olivia woke up one morning to the usual smell of Rob's aftershave, yet again. It was a smell she would never hate or dislike as she loved her husband and being twenty-four and three years married, something she couldn't. Rob shifted onto his side, facing her; her head dropped onto the pillow and she snuggled into his chest, enjoying the last five minutes before he woke up. A scream erupted from downstairs and the pair sat bolt upright in their bed, surprised at the sudden noise. Rob immediately fell back asleep as Liv stood up from the bed, slipping a shirt over her head and grabbing his cricket bat.

The girl silently crept down the staircase and towards the sobs in the kitchen. It was Lorretta. A man peering in through the window with a camera.

"GOD DAMNING PAPARAZZI!!!" The old woman screamed before standing up and angrily  continuing to get dressed. 

Liv flagged the man in the window and he ran off. She rolled her eyes before running up the stairs and sliding back underneath the sheets beside Rob. About an hour later the door flung open, making a rather loud bang as it hit the wall. The short figure of Lorretta Dawson swaggered through the door holding a bin bag. The couple in the bed watched in shock as the old woman piled Olivia's clothing and shoes into the bag. Before throwing it down the stairs and filling up a new one until the wardrobe, shelves, drawers, dressers and walls were half empty.

"Get up woman," She said throwing Liv the last remaining outfit in the room, a pair of dark blue dungarees and an off the shoulder rainbow striped shirt. 

Liv apprehensively put on the outfit and slowly stood from the comfort of her bed, following the woman out of the house. Once out the front door, Lorretta gave the bin bags to Liv before slamming the door and leaving the woman outside. 

Olivia stared at the door in shock. A moment passed before she walked up to it. Knocking she shouted for her husband, "Rob. ROB!" No answer. "I swear to the fucking heavens. ROB!" The door opened.

"I was naked, alright, had to put something on." Rob said from the doorway. He was in a pair of loose cargo shorts with no shirt. "Nanna's a bitch, but she has a point. We really should get a place."

"She threw me out, not you Rob. I'll be fine, Tom will let me crash, let me just grab a suitcase." Liv said before stepping through the door and kissing him on the cheek. She started up the stairs again towards the bedroom where the suitcases were. She grabbed her suitcase and a large gym bag before heading down the stairs again and plopping down cross-legged on the porch.

Rob stared at her in a confused-yet-loving sort of way as she opened one of the binbags. She felt his stare on her back and she turned to face him. "What?" He said in reply to the movement.

"I'm folding the clothes since your nanna had no intention of keeping them kept." Olivia answered. She folded the first item of clothing an oversized yellow checked over-shirt, Rob's thigh brushed hers as he sat down to help.


Next one is coming soon :)

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