A Chance Meeting

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The Yawning Portal was as busy as ever, Anla was on a break from her work for the Kraken. Getting some nice wine and relaxation, a group in the corner caught her eye. Three Tiefling sat in the corner of the tavern, one of which reminded her of a past she had long forgotten.

"Excuse me, do you mind if I sit with you three?"  Cooed the Aasimar

Caught off guard the first to respond was the shortest of the Tiefling.

"I suppose that you can, may I ask your name?"

"How rude of me, my name is Anla. What may I call you three?"

The shortest responded

"You can call me Sonam dear."

The tallest mumbles.

"Names Rokax."

The middle in height follows suit.

"My name would be Cecil, pleasure to meet you.

The Aasimar looked the three over hungrily, stopping in Cecil. His pink skin and purple eyes reminded her of someone, but the way he held himself really sold her.

"Cecil, dear, are you three new to Waterdeep? I haven't seen you around here before."

"Hmm? I suppose relatively speaking we are, although we've lived in the city a few years now. How about yourself, how long have you been here?"

"I've lived here for 7 years now, and I have to say it's a shame I haven't met you before now."

"T-thats quite sweet, I'm really not all that, I'm just Cecil."

"You say that yet I feel myself drawn to you."

The four talked through the night, Cecil and Anla flirting the whole way through. Anla was usually much more composed, yet Cecil had something about him that threw her for a loop.

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