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Anla was blessed with power from birth, she was, not only, an Aasimar, but a draconic bloodline sorcerer as well.

Her parents didn't think they could raise her properly so they gave her up to a church. She was taught to harness her power by a priest named Oketra, another Aasimar and a sorcerer as well.

Anla never felt satisfied with her life in the confines of the church. She was not allowed to leave the grounds or even have visitors outside of those who would normally pray. She enjoyed some of the patrons but still wanted to see the outside world.

One night, she threw caution to the wind. She snuck her way out of the courtyard and to the nearby town, which was bustling with people and drink. A bit taken aback by the boisterous bars, she stayed out on the street. Whilst taking in the sights, not paying attention to where she was going she bumped into a Tiefling woman around her own age (17).

The woman was aggravated that this girl had bumped her and thrown off her good time. Anla quickly apologized, lowering her head. The woman didn't say anything, causing Anla to look up into the woman's face. Her eyes were deep purple, her nose was small and pointed, her face was slightly covered by her red hair. As they made eye contact the girl was drawn into this woman who looked like no other.

After that night, a routine had been set, Anla would sneak to the town and Des would wait for her. Anla was drawn into this infatuation, little did she know Des wasn't planning on staying in this little relationship.

A few months later Anla showed up to the meeting place, Des was nowhere to be seen. Anla became worried, Des told her that she'd be doing a dangerous job that day. Anla returned to the spot for days, Des never showed.

Her love drove her to fall as an Aasimar, feeling lost, she fled the church, the only home she ever had. Traveling for days, Waterdeep became her salvation, more specifically, the Kraken society. Her talents were used to get information out of the nobles of the city.

Anla went through many flings with Tiefling men and women, nothing filling the missing piece Des took.

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