Chapter 28

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It was good to be home.

Living at The Diamond Club for the last few weeks had left Sam wanting for practically nothing. The lavish resort catered to one's every need and beyond. Their suite was a private villa with an amazing view of the golf course, with a bed as big as a boat. Brenda had everyone treating them like kings and queens and Sam had to admit he was a big fan of the happy hour appetizers by the pool.

Yet, he had missed the simplicity of their place in New York. Scout greeting them at the door, happy as always to see them. Back in his own bed, waking up to the views of the city skyline, making his own coffee, going for a run in the sleepy wee hours along streets still stirring with life. Although it wasn't fun getting up this morning. The time change hit him hard and Sam was looking forward to a calm evening at home with Ali.

Sam was pleased with the way the meet and greet with Leif had gone this morning. Crowds of people had turned up for the breakfast and a good majority stayed to listen to the potential congressman talk. Watching the reactions of the group as Leif outlined his policy platform, Sam had been impressed with the many nods and smiles they'd received.

His father did have a keen eye when it came to politics. Sam hated to admit it, but he liked a part of this as well. Was it Leif that made the difference? The man had a quality about him. Sam couldn't quite define it but it made people pay attention. Perhaps it was simply the fact the man had integrity. In politics, such an attribute was rare. Leif Stewart truly wanted to do good.

So did Sam. He'd told Ali once he wanted a job where he could help people, not after the fact, on their worst days, but try to prevent those worst days. With Leif, he could see the potential to make the world a better place. At least for one borough in New York.

Having Ali at the event with him made it even sweeter. Standing side by side with her made everything feel ... possible.

He worried it wouldn't last. He knew Ali was it for him. If she had to move back to California then there was no doubt he would go with her. And it was looking more and more like this would be the case. Ali was in a full-on war with Jack for control of her family's company. Truth be told, Sam's desire to take Jack down outweighed Ali's. He wanted the man out of their lives, wanted his fiancée free of him for good. Getting Stinson Studios back would go a long way towards the goal.

Still, Sam had an uneasiness about relocating to the west coast. Ali recognized he would miss his family. And that was indeed part of it. This last year he had never felt closer to his parents, not since before Thomas died. They were finding their way back to each other. Not like how it had used to be, but some new place where they understood each other.

But it was more than his family. What would he do in California? Aside from being Ali's constant support. Would that be enough to sustain him? It's not like he could go back to being a bartender. It had its perks but it was not his ideal job.

The thing was he didn't have an ideal job. This was where Sam always floundered. Exactly what was he supposed to do with his life? After Thomas had died, he tried to take over his trajectory, failing miserably. After running away to California, he picked up odd jobs, to make ends meet. Since falling in love with Ali, his priority had been about building a home for her. He hadn't focused on himself in a long time.

Deciding to talk to Ali about it gave Sam a warm feeling inside. No matter the situation, however hard, Ali would be there for him. They were partners and they would figure it out together. Sam picked up his phone to text her when the smiling face of his cousin flashed onto the screen. Swiping his finger he answered the call, "Charlie."

"Are you alone?"

"Well, hello to you too."

"Sam, this isn't funny." It was a rare thing for Charlie to not be in a joking mood. Sitting up straight, he was paying attention now.

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