EIGHT: Infinite Longings

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A/N: Consider yourself warned. The scenes depict graphic descriptions of sexual encounters. This is not for the faint-hearted and if you're not interested in reading that, you may skip this chapter. Or particularly, close to the end of this chapter, you won't have missed anything.

Anyway, remember how BTPS was watered down? This is not. Do not sue me. Enjoy.



'Infinite longings'

Sunday came rushing in with dark skies and brisk air. The monsoon season was truly well and upon them, and the chill in the air made Carmen want to curl up in her bed and stay there for a while, luxuriating in the ability to stay in bed and sleep in. There was a reason that Sundays were her favorite, as they were truly the only days she was able to relax. Though she supposed that now she has more people in her employ, she was able and finally free to enjoy her weekends and could even sleep in from Tuesdays to Fridays.

It was amazing.

She stretched on her bed, purring softly as she felt the tension ease from her body, and rolled to her side, burrowing further into her covers. She closed her eyes then, allowing sleep to pull her, and she was already dozing when she heard her phone ring. She reached over her side table and took her phone, sliding her thumb on the screen blearily.

"Hello," she murmured sleepily, not bothering to check who it was.

"Hey," she heard someone say from the other line, and her eyes flew open.

She backed up, trying to sit properly as she tried to wake up enough to have a decent conversation. "Hello, Ate," she greeted back, a little surprised at the impromptu call. "Kamusta?"

It was Ate Laura, and though it was never really a surprise that she would call Carmen to check on her, it was always so sporadic that Carmen was often be startled when she would.

"I'm good," Ate Laura said. "I actually saw Melissa in Resort's World recently. I didn't know she was back home." As one of their childhood friends, Melissa of course became really close friends with Ate Laura, too. And with only two years between them and a passion for the arts and advocacies, the two had a long list of things to bond over.

Carmen rolled her eyes though she knew her sister-in-law couldn't really see it. She could just about guess what had gone down when they'd met.

"Yes," Carmen said as she reclined in her bed, and tried to get comfortable. She ran her fingers through her hair. "She's staying with me, actually."

"Oh, yes, she mentioned," Ate Laura replied. Carmen imagined that it wasn't the only thing that Melissa had mentioned. "She said you were doing well there, too, which is also nice to hear."

The tone of her sister's voice told her everything she needed to know without the words actually being said. She knew exactly what Melissa had said. And of course, Melissa just had to tattle, of course.

Carmen hummed and did not comment any further. If she knew, she knew, but Carmen didn't feel like talking about it, right now, at least.

"Well, I actually just wanted you to know that your brother and I wanted to come visit you when you're free," Ate Laura continued, making Carmen smile.

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