14. it's easier to be closed off and sarcastic, than it is to face my shit.

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It was as if her natural reflex was to run away from the situation. As she had done eight years ago.

As she looked upon the damage she created. The wheelchair that her brother would be confined to his entire life because of her destructive magic. Her little brother. The one she had taught how to tie his shoelaces, the one that she used to build snowmen with, and the one she was supposed to protect- through her own vows of allegiance.

That grin she was made to witness made her heart crackle like the lightning that caused his paralysis. And that's why she couldn't face him. Even if he did forgive her... she could never forgive herself.

She bolted. Past the six people in the support group- she couldn't. And as the mind fairy who wore bunches tapped into her friend's mind, she knew. She knew that that was her brother and as she tapped into the paralysed boy's soul... he was at a loss.

At that point Averie didn't care where are feet dragged her. Just anywhere away from her demons. The ones she refused persistently to face.

The fairy didn't know how she managed to get to the Specialists' Hall in the short duration of time. She had no knowledge of how she ended up on the cold floor of one of the corridors. And she didn't have the foggiest of how her body divulged into this machine of: anxiety, panic and divergence from reality.

She could see that a shadow blocked the light that protruded through the panes of glass. "Didn't take you for someone to cry in the hallwa-" The snide remark cut off by the arms that lodged under the groove of his armpit, hands contacting with his shoulder blades. His stubbled jaw forced to rest on her fabric-covered shoulder.

Her cries audible in his ears as his body went from a crouch to rest on his knees. The girl having to do the same. She could feel his arm wave at those walking by. "Nothin' to look at..." His usual tone grumbled. His hand resting again on her back, whilst hers remained; nails digging into to his own stretch of armour-layered skin whilst she hung onto his being as if her life depended on it. "Wanna, y'know, talk about it...?" The manner of his speech hinted to the obvious fact that he had no idea how to handle anybody, let alone a girl in this current eventuality.

Her arms unravelled from their position, her breath stifled as her head hit the teal-painted wall. It caused the jade eyed boy to stifle his own breath from the laugh. Her ochre eyes rolled, a smile graced her lips. "Obviously you've heard about..." Her fingers spiking with electricity. His mind connecting two and two as he nodded his head. "Well... he's here. In the wheelchair that I confined him to..." Her distant gaze teared up. The dark-haired male's palm cupped her knee, his thumb rubbed in a supporting action.

He'd be lying if he said he knew what to do. He was never one for soppy actions of support but there was something about Averie that made him want to take care of her. Riven was sure it wasn't a romantic attraction, it was more... brotherly. Despite his lack of morals, he would never do that to Sky. Even if the sobbing girl in front of him and the boy he shared a room with weren't a couple- he saw the magnetic force when their eyes connected. That spark that he had only read in books. Yes, he does read books...

"Well, miss stalker... that sucks. Like major balls." He had manoeuvred his body to seat himself beside her. Against the wall.

Averie didn't know why he was being so nice to her in that moment of turmoil. "Did you lose a bet or something?" Her wavering vocals sounded, earning a shake of his head.

The boy next to her let out a over-dramatized gasp. "Stop being so closed-off, sparky." It held that same derogatory tone but the girl appreciated it. Her fingernail cleaning the opposite hand's nails- picking them instantaneously, chipping the nude coloured nail varnish that brushed over the under-attack objects.

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