7. the bigger they are the harder they fall.

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It had been a week since they had extracted Mr Silva from the sight of the onslaught that left at least twenty trained Solarian guards dead in a massacre. Averie found it lucky that they didn't have three dead fairies added to the body count of the Burned One's victims that day- as she found at that Bloom and Aisha faced the creature due to Bloom's 'connection' with the infernal creature. The other fairy who could have been killed was Stella, who Aisha split up with so that she could get help. If she had wondered off to the wrong spot, that would be her offed due to her temperamental magic.  

The Princess still didn't know of Averie and Sky's encounter in the greenhouse. Terra could keep secrets when she wasn't threatened by royal blondes. Nobody but the three of them knew and they wanted to keep it that way. Sky didn't need it with Headmaster Silva still infected, and neither did Averie- who didn't need another clash with Stella. The Princess was lucky that she walked away with her hair still attached to her head.

Averie had been pulled out from attending that morning's lesson. Especially because she had been asked to go to the specialist training ground. Her feet trailed up the gravel path. The weather was... interesting. The light was dim, as if the time had been reset to the dawn that had been and gone several hours prior.

She saw the running vision of her blonde friend. "Ave..." His arms engulfing her in a swift hug, before moving his position to her side. His hands in the pockets of his specialist's hoodie- she didn't blame him, she wish she had worn more than the t-shirt that the faculty had given to her the meeting, which occurred the previous day.

"You're what?!" Averie attempted to prevent her voice from going shrill, but the sound was still present as she exclaimed to her two superiors.

"You have shown potential and with the Burned Ones reappearing- we need more able specialists." The Headmaster had stated in his accent.

"You will be attending early morning lessons to catch up on your magical training." Averie was relieved to here she would be able to continue on with her training, but didn't like the sound of early morning lessons. Yet she'd have to get used to it.

The memories dulled into the back of her memory as she paced her way up to the weak, yet standing Headmaster Silva, who had been waiting for her arrival whilst surveying his specialists' movements as they fought one another. "Miss Alexander." His northern accent was dominant in his voice.

"Headmaster Silva." The brunette greeted in the polite manner that wasn't expected from her, but was much appreciated by the teacher- who began to rest his weight partially on the staff constructed by Professor Harvey so that he could manoeuvre his way around.

The two teenagers followed after their trainer and leader, walking at the same pace. Averie earnt looks from all of the figures wearing black, even those who thought dared a glance. The girl walking had been handed the privilege on a silver platter whilst they had to train most of their lives for such an opportunity.

The suffering man came to a halt in front of a platform, which had the recognisable crest of Alfea College printed out into the middle of it in monochrome. The mat was empty, however, offering her no opponent. "I have assigned a second-year student to you, Averie." She felt Sky's arm brush past her side- his figure jogging up the noir steps, up onto the training platform. "Now, show me I haven't made a mistake by hand-picking you into the specialists." His empty, unused arm patted her on the back.

She inhaled deeply as she worked her way up the inclines- until she faced the visage of Sky. "You do realise I'm not going easy on you, right?" He stated whilst removing the hoodie, tossing it to the side of the mat. Perfectly landing next to the brown-haired, jade-eyed specialist, who was leaning on the stage.

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