Its not over yet

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The Hargreeves siblings had just finished making everything normal again. No more end of the world, nothing to worry about. Everyone just stared at each other in silence standing outside the academy as they all remember everything they went through. Suddenly Allison broke the silence "What now?"
"Now... I guess we get on with our lives" Five said as he looked at everyone
"Well guess we should get going," Luther said
" Guess this is goodbye then," Vanya said in a calm sad voice.
They all started walking toward the entrance of the academy but then stopped, they all thought everyone was gonna leave. "Weren't you guys leaving?" Luther asked. "No I was going to stay, weren't you all going to leave?" Diego was confused " Why should you be the one staying?" Luther was ready to argue with Diego. " Sorry I forgot you like to be with your dad at all times " Diego sarcastically said as he walked up to Luther.
"GUYS! guys come one if we are all being honest we were all going to stay, no one was going to leave we don't have where to go or to stay"Klaus broke the tension between them.
"That's true, I mean come one you guys really thought five was going to leave? He looks like a 13-year-old he can't do anything with his life" Allison said.
"Let's just stay together, it's been a long time since I could actually have a good time with you guys" Five was showing his soft side, he didn't hate the idea of living altogether. " Yes, unless you want to live on the streets inside a box pissing near a dumpster I would suggest everyone stayed," Klaus said.
"So are you going to open the door or what?" Vanya asked impatiently. They all smiled and went inside the academy. Just as five was entering a distant blue light behind him was shining. No one noticed.
" Anyone want a drink? We are going to be celebrating all our hard work tonight !" Klaus said as he grabbed a bottle of Tequila. " No I need a break, a good sleep," Luther said.
" Come one we have been working soo hard just to fix the timeline" Klaus kept trying to convince him.
"I say it's a good idea, let's do it" Allison was smiling and grabbing a cup for herself " Come on Luther don't be like that"
Luther gave in " Fine give me some of that" he yanked the bottle out of Klaus's hand and served himself some Tequila. Five walked in with a cup of coffee. He seemed happy to see everyone together. He blinked close to the counter where the tequila was. Five about to pour some in his coffee." Hey, aren't you too young to be drinking that" Diego said. Five gave him a death stare and said " I am a 58-year-old, I have experienced so much more than you have, you really think this will affect me?" Diego just stood there and said nothing. " Now let me do what I want" Five proceeded to pour tequila on his coffee. Klaus, Vanya, Luther, and Allison bursted out laughing. An hour passed and everyone was filled with joy.

"Vanya how about you play the violin for us, we never actually got to hear your work," Allison said. " Oh I don't know, I'm not the best at it, "Vanya said while hesitating if she should play for her siblings, "Come on," Klaus said. Vanya grabbed her violin and started playing, everyone enjoyed it. When she was down she bowed everyone clapped."So five when are you going to get yourself some new clothes, you really growing out of those school shorts" Klaus said as he got some more tequila. " I haven't had the time, been really busy stopping an apocalypse" Five answered with a smile. "Ok then," Allison said, everyone, laughed. Five missed this feeling, he remembered all those times they spent together when they were younger, and although some weren't the best he still cared about them. Suddenly they heard a knock on the door. "I'll get it" Five got up and headed to the door. Everyone kept having a good time and moments later they heard a girl's voice calling out random names. They walked into the entrance and saw a girl standing next to Five. She looked confused and frustrated. " Who are you guys?" The girl said.

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