Grade Retention

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Alexander's information was problematic to say the least. But it was information he would work with as soon as he was finished dealing with the anomaly interrupting his schedule. Said anomaly a white Irishman, Joseph Star. Twenty-five years of age, five foot ten, brown hair, green eyes, minor criminal record, minor accent, no outstanding medical problems. Brought to Guernsey after displaying supernatural abilities, but showed no signs of being an Adept, a bothersome scenario. As of the midway point in the interview, doubled over the interrogation table and begging for his partner.

"You gotta give her back to me man; we'll both be dying if we're not together."

"Of course, as soon as you explain where she came from and document the extent of your time with her."

The Irishman answered by way of grinding against the steel in a fit of agony. His temperature was rising quickly, and for a moment Steven almost felt sorry for him. But that was an attitude unbecoming of a soldier, and Legion ignored the impulse.

"I don't fucking know! I just found her while walking me dog! Buried in a little hole in the park! One second I'm wondering what the hell and the next she's jumping down my throat!"

He managed to force himself to look up, bright red and glaring with a look that promised death to those it fell upon, even if it led to his own in the process.

"And as for all this bollocks about time together, if you keep us apart any longer this'll be the extent of it."

Legion held the glare until his subject returned to the table, hitting it face-first in his oblivious pain. With him incapacitated once again, Legion summoned the soldier with the glass cylinder. The creature inside was clearly as agitated as the man it was linked to, the soft pink mass smashing itself against the side of the tube as hard as its boneless existence would let it. Legion took the prison from the soldier and set it upon the table. The creature unpeeled itself from the side and drew itself together, a small bubbling ball of ooze. It had no features, but Legion got the impression that it was staring at its host nonetheless.

"Captain, do we have enough information to make a decision?"

"I've been telling you what to do since they dragged him in here. Either throw him in with the actual Adepts or toss him to the geeks so they can take them apart. I want him out of here one way or the other so we can get on with the work we're actually paid for."

Legion's fingers tightened together, the only sign of displeasure he would make. Typical A.C.R.O.S.S. attitude, to dispose without investigation even though they had been the ones to bring the subject to the island outside of protocol, and during an ongoing mission no less. The creature was clearly alien in nature and parasitic as well. It needed to be analysed to find out the full scope of its biology. Introducing the anomaly to other Adepts without care would be folly, especially if it could spread to other hosts. He turned his telepathy off and thought the situation over, analysing what information he had.

"Very well then. If the captain wishes him gone, I shall take care of him."

He drew his finger across the prison, telekinetically slicing through the glass until the top fell off. He had barely pointed it away from himself before the blob had sprung from the container and onto the face of his captive, holding form as a gooey mask until it began seeping into his skin and vanished from sight, to the disgust of the other soldiers in the room. The host's breathing normalised, but Legion was manhandling him out the room before he could recognise that the handcuffs were gone.

"What... what?"

"I have come to a decision. While you are a paranormal entity, you are not an Adept, and as such I am not responsible for you. We'll conduct a more proper interview along with some medical tests done to ascertain the nature of your parasite and it's potential as a threat to the Empire, and then you will be free to go."

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