Gifted Education

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"All right, we've got some spare time before lunch, so I want to run over what we've covered this lesson. First off: on average, how many Adepts tend to be registered at any one time throughout history?"

Alexander ignored Angela's quivering arm at the back of the classroom and fumed internally at the lack of participation. The rest of the room was filled with the quiet scribbling of thirty or so pencils as thirty or so students silently cursed their substitute teacher and his twin crimes of actually assigning work combined with refusing them the luxuries of tablets or keyboards. He didn't know what they expected from a history class, even with a different teacher in place of their usual. The world may have become automated and machine driven to the point of absolute sloth, but it was the least he could do as an educator to install proper handwriting in his charges, whether it was his regular class or not. It took a little while, but someone finally went to answer.

"Yes Katie?"

"It's a-about t-ten t-t-thousand... I think."

There were a few muffed snorts of laughter from around the room at the stammered delivery, shortly silenced by a glance across the room, the normal fear of authority only enhanced by his glowing eyes. It also had the unfortunate effect of putting the fear of authority in the answerer, who ducked back into her notebook. Alexander sighed to himself as her neighbour did her best to intimidate him in return. Whatever, the answer was close enough; he'd focus on whatever he'd done wrong later.

"More or less. Every worldwide count across the decades tends to tally us up around that number, with seven thousand registered Adepts in British territory, including the two thousand or so here at Maturinus. The other three thousand is made up of turncoats, exiles and enemy forces. But that said; we've entered a tumultuous period in history wherein factions other than Britain utilise and conceal Adepts in their ranks. The last major surprise was the conquest of Hong Kong by the Chinese Adepts known only as The Holy Swords. Despite being complete unknowns to the world at large with no former identification or battle prowess, they were strong enough not only to take an entire city, but slay multiple Knights of the Round during the Empire's counterattack. That combined with the slow rise of new Adepts uncovered month by month may lead to there being twice as many unknown Adepts in the world than previously thought by experts."

The class wasn't exactly enthralled at the recap, but at least the mention of a battle had a few students looking his way now, instead of out the window or into their desks.

"Now then, I think we have time for one more... "

Whatever he had left to teach would have to be saved for their next lesson, as the lunch bell dashed any idealistic hope that the class might continue to pay attention to the rest of his words, many of them already packed up and waiting on his command to leave with straight backs and arms locked to their sides. The psychic gave up and waved them free. It was only to be expected after all. Trying to keep teenagers in a classroom before lunch on a sunny day was as fruitless a task as a regular human trying to hold back the tide. He wiped the lesson off the electronic whiteboard as the last few stragglers hurried out, a soft "thank you" from Katie the only recognition he'd receive for the rest of the day; from the majority of his students anyway.

"Not going outside Angela? It's a nice day."

His assistant had drawn up a seat into the table closest to his temporary desk, a seat she'd have occupied from day one and forever more were it not for her obstructive wingspan. Lunch things had already been set up for the two of them as he took his seat. The angel declined by way of biting into a sandwich. A soft sigh accompanied the removal of a container lid.

"You know, at some point you'll have to at least try to interact with other students. It doesn't hurt to have a few friends."

Angela gave a few thoughtful chews, making sure to wipe her mouth before answering.

Maturinus: School DaysWhere stories live. Discover now