✨Chapter 1✨

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"Heeeeyyyy, Kaaaatsuuuukiiii!!! Get your ass down here or I'll drown you in your sleep" I said from the garden of our house, where we would usually train. It was 10:20 a.m. and the dumbass of my brother wasn't ready for our daily training.                                                                                                   "I'M COMING YOU ASSHOLE. I SWEAR I'LL KICK YOUR ASS" said the porcupine while opening the door to the garden with a loud *BAM*. Our mother just looked at him angrily then sighed, she was used to it after 11 years since both of them developed their quirks (rn they have 15 years bc this happens 1 year before UA and their quirks developed at 4, mathematics :) )

"What took you so long?" 

"I was changing."    

"It took you 20 min to change in your gym clothes wtf, anyways, TODAY I'LL KICK YOUR ASS!!!" I said while I slammed my foot on the ground. A pretty big rock came out of the ground and I sent it to Kats with a kick.                                                                                                                                                             "A sneak attack? That's pretty lame even for yourself!" the pomeranian said while exploding it.    

 "A hero must have many tricks up his sleeve y'know? Now shut up and defend yourself!" I told him while dodging his attacks and sending him a mini-tornado.

Flashback brought to you by Mr. Author UwU - this was when they were 4 

Me, Kats and Izu were playing at our usual playground.

"Hey! Look! I am the tallest one here MUAHAHAHHAHA!!!" I laughed. I was on the slide of the park and looking down on them with my 'evil' laugh. (don't tell me you didn't do that as kids :3 )                                                                                                                                                                                              "Be careful Dai-kun, you might fall!" Izuku warned with fear in his voice. 

"He can fall for all I care, THAT WILL BE HIS PUNISHMENT FOR LOOKING DOWN ON ME!" my dear brother said with an evil grin on his face.

I sweatdropped a little. "Don't worry i won't fa..............." that's when I slipped. In the second before crashing I put my hands in front of me hoping to decrease the damage. I closed my eyes thinking of the worse. When I didn't hear a "BONK" or a "CRACK" I slowly opened my eyes to se some air between me and the sand of the playground. My eyes widened, then the air disappeared. I got my head out of the sand then I started jumping like crazy


 "I'll get a better quirk than yours, just wait 'till it develops!" said Katsuki while bringing his arms to his chest with a grumpy look on his face.           

"That's great Dai-kun!!! But if you can control air, maybe you can control other elements too!" Izu looked like he had stars in his eyes.  


"It won't hurt if I try" I cut him off, sometimes i wondered how a 4 year child could speak like that, maybe because he was an almost exact copy of his mother. I smile at the thought "Here I go, i guess"

I started to make random movements to see if i could control some other elements, surprisingly it worked.

I started to make random movements to see if i could control some other elements, surprisingly it worked

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Something like that :)

Our mouths went wide, then I spoke while I lifted my fist "It's decided! We will be the best heroes of our generation!". Katsuki lifted his fist as well "AND I'LL BE NUMBER ONE" I agreed with him because I wanted to be a hero not for fame, I wanted to make people smile and feel safe. "I'll try it too!" Izu agreed.

"Then I will start training tomorrow because we didn't finish our game!" I said cheerfully.

"For gods sake..." Kats frowned.

End of flashback :3

It was already 3 p.m. when we finished "After we eat something, we could hang out with Izu"

"Whit that worthless Deku? No way" I frowned a little. "Why do you hate him so much? We were friends when we were little. For me he is still one of my best friends."

"Exactly, we *were* friends, but now he is just a damn extra and he......"

"He is in my way to be nr. 1 hero blah, blah, blah, I heard you saying it to many times" I smiled at him trying to change the subjects since I knew I couldn't convince him, although he looked like he was going to rip my head of my shoulders. "Well, nevermind, I'm going to do my homework, we have school tomorrow remember? Or you are to dumb to do it and you need my help?" I teased, but when i saw his face I started running into the house.

"I'LL KILL YOU MOTHERF*****" I started laughing.

End of the chapter, 783 word, this is my first story so I don't know if you liked it, write in the comments if you did


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