Jaya Headcanons

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HOLA TODAY I AM 17 YEARS OLD YAY!!!! Okay enough celebrations let's get to work. 

*Sometimes Jay and Nya make thunderstorms from their powers just to mess with the weather man.

*Nya wears Jay's shirt sometimes...on tights of course (don't know the spelling though \_(-_-)_/ )

*Jay wears Nya's ponytails on his wrist.

*Jay tries to flirt with Nya but ends up becoming a blushing mess himself.

*Nya will kiss his cheek randomly even in front of everyone. Kai fake gags all the time.

*If Nya gets upset then Jay will tell her stupid jokes even if they are not funny and hugs her until she smiles.

*These two Never fight each other on the stupidist things.

*On their day off these t go to the movies together and especially to Mega Monster Amusement Park because that was the first time Nya kissed him.

Okay people so in the next chapter I will be doing Ask Greenflame ok so I will be needing questions for them from you guys. And don't worry I will post I will make you smile no matter what soon. Have a good day or night.

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