GreenFlame Headcanons

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A/N: This will only include show Kai and Lloyd and not the movie.

Q: Who hogs the blanket?

A: Lloyd. But Kai is the blanket.

Q: Who loves cuddles?

A: Kai. He would cuddle Lloyd randomly anywhere at anytime. Lloyd doesn't mind at all.

Q: Who is afraid of the dark and who comforts who?

A: Lloyd is afraid of the dark and Kai comforts him and makes him hot chocolate.

Q: Who likes to go on a slow dance?

A: Lloyd. He will grab Kai's arm and start a slow dance.

Q: Who confessed first?
Kai. He took Lloyd to a forest which had a beautiful lake then he confessed him there.

Q: Who drools in his sleep?

A: Kai. Lloyd has a picture of him drooling. Kai does not know about this.

Q: Who makes sassy remark and who gets flustered?

A: Kai. He mostly does this to see him with a red face.

Q: Who has and does something adorable and who almost dies of kawaiiness?

A: Lloyd. Due to him being part dragon he will purr if Kai cuddles him. Lloyd also has tiny fangs that are visible when he does a toothy grin. Kai always gets a heart attack whenever he does that.

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