Mayday Call

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Chapter 5

Warning - Ad Astra Movie Spoilers

"Major I'll take trust five. Why don't you start with trust... two? Don't wander off too far now." Brad said as he practiced his script with me. We had filming in an hour so we were practicing our lines so we don't screw up.

"-Tanner McBride check." I laughed at him as he tried to do an astronaut voice. "-Tanner?" Brad said softly. "-Tanner?" He said it a little louder this time. I made a screeching noise like a monkey and jumped on him. He laughed at me and pushed me off.

I looked at the time. It was 10:30 already! "Brad we gotta go or we're gonna be late." "Fine I'm coming."

We both got in the car and sped off to set. We got there in time and we went over our scripts one last time.

"I do what I do because of my dad." Brad had said while the camera was rolling. "He gave his life for the pursued of knowledge because up there," he said pointing upward, "is where our story's gonna be told."

"CUT!!" The director yelled.

I was sitting there in a chair watching the scene be filmed when I felt arms around my neck.

I got freaked out and flipped them over the chair onto the ground.

I saw that it was Tom and immediately let go.

"What the hell Tom!!"

"What are you doing here anyway?" "I wanted to see you act. Plus I didn't have to film today." "Okay, well I'm filming in..." I looked at my phone, "around now."

"Okay I'll watch your chair for you." He said sitting in my chair. I laughed as Tom said that.


We didn't film a lot today so filming ended at five o'clock.

Tom and I went home and did a movie night since we hadn't been spending a lot of time together.

We ate a small dinner and then I made some popcorn. I put some chips in a bowl and got some drinks.

I got two wine glasses and a wine bottle.

Tom put on the movie. I saw the title. 'The Breakfast Club.'

"Really Tom." "What? I've never watched the full movie and your in it, so... were watching it."

I groaned and laid down on Tom's lap. "Well then if we're still awake after this movie I'm picking the next one."

Tom agreed and the movie started playing. Halfway through the movie I was fast asleep lightly snoring on Tom's chest.

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