Chapter One - Clarke

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Clarke Griffin. Born 20 . 06 . 1998
Clarke has lived in Walden her hole life, she lived with her older brother, Lincoln and both of her parents until 2002, when she was 4 years old her father died in a car accident, she, her brother and her mother were also in the car but managed to get out with miner injuries.

To this day Clarke has been invisible to people her own age, never really having friends at high school apart from two boys, Jasper and Monty who are more like brothers than friends. It's her last day of school and she's happy to be starting college in 6 weeks, she will be with her brother, Jasper and Monty, the three main boys in her life.

Friday Morning . Last Day Of Term . School Finishes At 12:15PM .

Clarke is in her bedroom, getting ready for school when Lincoln bursts into her bedroom, "Clarke have you seen my car keys?" He asks whilst staring at her, "No bro, last time I seen them was last night and they were on the kitchen side.." She says whilst curling her hair. "Okay cheers, am I giving you a lift to school today?" He asks, no longer in a rush. "Uh yeah, hang on give me two seconds." She grabs her shoes and the two of them go down stairs. Lincoln goes in the kitchen and emerges seconds later with his car keys, he gets a message and his phone is on the coffee table, Clarke races towards it and reads the message.

Octavia: Hey, can you pick me up and drop me at school? Bellamy has already left? Xx

"Oh my god you're texting a girl, not only a girl Octavia Blake?! L it's not like you to actually talk to girls after you fuck them.." Clarke says as Lincoln realises Clarke has his phone, he quickly takes it off of her and replies to Octavia.

Lincoln: Yeah okay babe be there in a minuet xx

"For your information C Octavia isn't just a fuck, she's different.."
Clarke laughs slightly, "well come on Romeo or I'll be late to school." She says whilst hurrying him through the door. They stop off to pick up Octavia, when Octavia gets in the car she jumps when she realises Clarke is in the back. Octavia and Clarke are in the same year at school, all the same classes as well but they don't really know each other. "Oh god, Clarke, I didn't know you were here!" Octavia says still surprised by her presents in the car, "it's fine, nice to see you know my name though."
"Clarke!" Lincoln says in a serious, angry voice, "it's okay Lincoln, she has a point." The rest of the car journey is spent in silence, when Lincoln stops the car Octavia gives him a peck on the cheek and then leaves, "bye Octavia, bye Clarke." They both reply "bye" at the same time, Clarke walks off to her first lesson but she is stopped by Octavia, "hey Clarke, why don't you come here and I'll introduce you to my mates?" Clarke agrees and follows Octavia to the lockers, where they met up with a small group that consisted of Raven, Finn, Monroe, Jasper, Monty and Murphy. "Hey everyone this is-" Octavia is cut off by Raven, "Clarke Griffin, we know. You got all A* in art and photography." Raven greets Clarke with a hug and Clarke doesn't resist to hug back, "Jasper and Monty you already know, that's Murphy, he acts hard but he's really a big softy, that one is Atom, he is currently dating Monroe which is her and that's Finn, Ravens boyfriend." Clarke listens to all of them speak at once and she only understands Octavia, who is saying they should skip the day because it's only a half day, they all, including Clarke agree and flee the school grounds before the first bell.

"Hey we should go to that cafe that's on the corner of the high street?" Raven suggests so they all make there way to the cafe, when they enter they see a group of boys sitting on the table and Octavia instantly pulls Clarke behind the rest of the group so the boys don't see them. "Shit, Bellamy and Lincoln are here." Octavia says but Clarke doesn't worry at all. "Oh well, it's a half day, what's the worst they'll do, there only over protective brothers." She says and winks at Octavia, "yeah, yeah your right, come on." Octavia says pushing her way to the from the group, pulling Clarke along side her, they get a table and it's not long until the two over protective siblings realise there here and make there way over to the table. "Clarke what are you doing here?" Lincoln asks first, he is then followed by "and Octavia what possessed you skip school?" Clarke and Octavia sit there in silence and the boys loose there patients slowly, "C!" Lincoln shouts, "O!" Bellamy again follows. Clarke is the one to speak, "come on guys it's the last day! Let us have some fun?" She begs and it's not long before Lincoln caves in, it's now down to Octavia to make Bellamy cave. "Like Clarke said it's the last day! I'm sure your girlfriend over there wouldn't want to have to wait whilst you escort your little sister back to school.." Bellamy snaps back at Octavia straight away, "that's not a problem, she's not my girlfriend, just last nights drunken shag." Clarke feels sick and can't help but laugh, this confuses Lincoln, Octavia and Bellamy. "What?" They all finally ask, "nothing it's just you and Lincoln are pretty much the same person, he's only now changed since meeting Octavia, but I guess it takes that one person to snap you out of all those one night stands ay L?" She says and winks at her brother who is now regretting telling her anything about Octavia. "Well it's good to know the emotions coming from your brother are genuine, now Clarke, Octavia, other people, Lincoln and I will now be returning to our table." And with that they disappear back into there own group of friends. "Wow that was interesting." Raven finally says, they rest of the group stayed silent whilst Bellamy and Lincoln were at there table because Bellamy was the most popular guy in college and Lincoln was the second most popular, they had girls falling at there feet but Clarke didn't understand why, neither did Octavia until she met Lincoln.
"Guys its 10:25AM. It's still so early." Jasper says and sighs, "well come on let's go to the cinema, I'll buy the tickets and food." Clarke offers but everybody insists they pay for there own things, as there about to leave Lincoln calls Clarke over to his table. "What do you want L?" She asks, she knew pretty much everybody at the table, they'd all been round her house with Lincoln at one point or another, Bellamy was round most offended, maybe three, four times a week, he had seen Clarke at her most rough looking state, just getting out of bed in the morning, still in PJs and messed up hair and yet he still never said a word about it to Clarke or anyone else. "Ere you going to the cinema?" Lincoln asks in a weird voice, "yeah?..." Bellamy looks Clarke up and down then faces the other way, Lincoln continues, "on the way home pick me up some beer?" He asks whilst handing Clarke £20, "okay, I won't ask why you can't do it yourself but sure, okay." Lincoln stands up and hugs Clarke, he is 18 and towers over Clarke, "love you little sis!" He says holding her tightly, "love you to big brother! But if you don't let go there's a chance you'll brake some ribs.." Lincoln let go straight away and Clarke catches Bellamy smile, "Oi you." She says back handing the back of Bellamy's head, "what was that for?" He asks grinning at Clarke but trying to act hurt, "that was for laughing at me the other morning when I came in the living room after just waking up. I looked rough because I wasn't expecting company!" Clarke says on the defensive side but Bellamy just replies by saying, "sureee princess. You should go, wouldn't want to keep the other princess waiting." He says and points to his sister, "yeah yeah I'm leaving, keep your hair on.." She says as she walks towards her group and they exit the cafe.

Please leave feedback, not sure if I should continue or not so please comment if you like it.

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