Chapter One

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            I should have just let her die. I mean if saving a little girls life would cause me this much trouble, it was totally not worth it. She was human too, bound to die eventually anyway!

            I looked around the bare room I was forced to be in, and glared at the five people surrounding me. Supernatural Therapy Group, what a bunch of crap. Not only did I have to attend these meetings daily until who knows when, I now also am being forced to tell a bunch of strangers my life story!

I sighed, then opened my mouth to begin the long tale.

“I was born in Venice, Italy in 1532. Before you guys make asinine comments, I'm aware of how ridiculously old I am,” I started, glaring at a female demon who had the audacity to laugh. Bitch.

“Immediately upon my conception, I was branded a demon. You see, my parents so desperately wanted a child that they used up most of their very little money to pay a well-known witch in Venice to help them have me. They'd tried other options, but I mean in 1532 you couldn't really do much other then have sex or go to the nearest witch if you wanted a child. I don't blame my parents for what they did, mostly because there's no better life than that of a vampire.” I paused, feeling the tips of my fangs with my tongue. My poor fangs, unable to rip into any human glands until further notice. Damn me and my incapability to walk away from trouble.

            “Anyway, the witch did the spell and my parents did the deed, but things didn't go as planned.

            “Within days, my mother's stomach had grown rounded. Within weeks, I was ready to escape the godforsaken confines of her stomach. And I did, quickly, killing my mother with my birth. A life for a life, the condition of the witches spell that she had decided not to tell my parents about.

            “The church, when they learned of my existence, obviously wanted me dead. Demon, remember? So my dad took newly born me and we escaped Venice, living on the outskirts in a tiny villa.” Someone laughed, probably the demon again, and I glared at the faces surrounding me. As if I wanted to do this!

            “Only a few years after my birth, I was fully-grown. Obviously, being human, my dad was totally terrified of me. It got even worse when he saw what a monster I was. I mean, I can't age past 17 and I'm basically impossible to kill, so it was understandable when he left me to fend for myself.

            “So yeah, a couple centuries later and here I am! Forced into this both shitty and dumb 'Supernatural Therapy Group' with you losers," I sneered, flashing my fangs at the small group of Supernaturals around me. I was understandably disgusted with the sight of them.

            "Well Isabella, quite the backstory you've got. I'm very glad you chose to share it with us, and I know we're all looking forward to hearing more from you! That is, if you care to share more?" the group leader, a werewolf named Ralf, asked me.

            I snorted at his comment. "As if! You're lucky I even graced you guys with my presence. If it was my decision, I wouldn't even be here right now."

            Ralf smiled at me, obviously an enthusiast. I hated enthusiasts. "Your obvious lack of care for what others think is very admirable, Isabella. Now, I think it's time we watch the video outlining our wonderful Supernatural Laws, so we can all truly understand why we are here today!" The lights in the small room turned off, and an orb appeared in the middle of our circle.

            The Supernatural Laws was a dumb video that just showed the laws we must abide and why we need to do so. Some examples? Don't needlessly kill, maim, or torture humans as they are a vampires much needed food supply, and to keep all Supernatural kind alive we must keep the humans alive. There is to be absolutely no settling or sexual interactions with other Supernaturals that are not of your same kind, because the heritage of each Supernatural and the aspects of their lives are obviously much too different to be combined. Just a whole hour of dumb shit like that, as if I hadn't heard it all thousands of times before.

            Instead of watching the video, I slid my eyes to Ralf. For a mutt, he was kind of cute. He had shaggy dark brown hair that messily framed his defined face and matched his big puppy dog eyes. I had no doubt that girls lapped him up (pun intended). And I mean he was obviously a working werewolf, meaning he was still young enough to work for the Council in guard work, so I had no doubt that the body beneath his simple jeans and t-shirt was totally ripped.

            I smirked, imagining feeling my way beneath his jeans, my body heating up at the unfortunate thought. Even if he was mildly attractive, he was still a dog. "Can you please tell Isabella to put a block on her loud thoughts? I cannot stand to hear another second of her admiration of your body, Ralf. She is so loud that she is drowning out the sound of this very entertaining video," a voice snapped, interrupting my embarrassing train of thought.

            I glared at the speaker, ready to rip his throat out for having the nerve to speak my very personal thoughts aloud, before completely freezing. I don't know how I didn't notice this guy before, I mean if Ralf was hot, this guy was jaw-dropping. He smirked at me, dimples forming next to perfectly sculpted lips, my body quickly becoming a wildfire.

            "Wow, horny little vamp I see," he teased, deep blue eyes seeming to stare into the very depths of my soul. I felt around mentally for the block in my head, immediately sensing it and quickly strengthening it so there was no way my thoughts could be heard again.

            Pulling on my bottom lip with my teeth, a mannerism I'd had since the 1500s that I was incapable of breaking, I tried my hardest to place those eyes. Every cell in my body that wasn't screaming at me to take whoever this guy was right here and now, was yelling at me that I knew him. "When you feel things as intensely as us vampires do, it's very hard not be horny all the time," I finally replied, standing up on shaky legs. "As much as I would love to stay until the end of Group, gouging out my eyes at home sounds much more appealing. I've been embarrassed enough for one day, but don't worry, there's always tomorrow."

            I forced a smile on my face, turning around to the exit of Ralf's home, and walking at a human-like pace out of the tiny house. If I could have sped out immediately with my vampire speed, I would have, but I couldn't. The magick border surrounding Ralf's home was like an off switch for all Supernatural abilities and powers, put there to keep us controllable in Group. Dumb, just like everything else involving Group, the Laws, and the Council.

            My head swam and stomach turned as I passed through the border, the magick in it draining me fully of my breakfast and bringing the thirst back full force. I turned to Ralf's house, unable to hold back a snarl as I willed every last bit of strength within me to work so I could speed my way home. 

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