Chapter 3:Colin

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As Colin started to walk over to me I got really nervous. I didn't know how to start off. He reached me. "Hey" he said seductively. "Hi, I'm.... He interupted me. "Brianna, I remember". He moved closer. "Colin, I really need to talk to you." I walked away and he followed. I walked outside and stood on the sidewalk. He quickly came to me. "What did you want to talk to me about." I didn't know what to say so I just decided to blurt it out. "I'm pregnant." Colin's eyes widened. "Are you serious. This is crazy, we only had sex once and I'm pretty sure I used protection." He sounded scared and nervous. "Well the protection wasn't really protective." I just didn't know what to say. I was really hoping he would say that he wanted to be apart of the baby's life. So I just decided to ask him. "Do you want to be part of the baby's life." "Of course." He smiled his pretty smile. I loved his smile so much. I hope our child has his beutiful smile. I told him that my first doctors appointment was in a week. He seemed so excited. I left the party because I started to crave a hamburger. Colin thought that it would be best for me not to go alone. He drove me to chick-fil-a and I decided to be a little healthy throughout my pregnancy so I just got a veggie Burger. It was actually delicous since I don't really eat veggie burgers. After we ate and talked a little bit about the baby's future, he took me back to the party so I could get my car and I went home. I went in my house, took a quick shower, and went to bed beccause I was extremely exhausted and just wanted a full night of sleep.

My love and life (Colin Kaepernick)Where stories live. Discover now