Chapter 5

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"I think you should talk to Freddy next!" Tiffany says with a smile. You vigorously shake your head no. "Come on! He's a sex addict- that's exactly what you need!" She winks. "It'll spice things up a little, it's boring around here." You already regret getting up as you start to make your way to the table filled with the loudest people in the whole sanitarium.

"Y/N!" Stu squeals scooting over, totally almost shoving Billy of the bench. "So glad you decided to join us m'lady" Stu says offering you his half empty carton of milk. You sit down and look at Freddy. "What? Like whatchu see?" "Nobody likes what they see right now." Chucky jokes. "You don't look any better- you're a fucking doll!" Chucky lunges at Freddy, latching onto his face. Next thing you know they're both on the ground getting maced by security...great talk.

"HEY!" Freddy shout whispers in your direction. "So... you're into me aren't you?" You blink. "Cmon don't look at me like that, I see the way you look at me." Freddy licks his lips. "Ew." Stu laughs. "That's the grossest thing I've ever seen!" Billy smirks at Stu. "I don't think she wants that at all." You sigh and lay down listening to the boys bicker back and forth about what they think you want, you can confirm that Freddy isn't on the list.

Your group heads into the "free time" room, but this time there's chairs set in a circle, with a doctor sitting in one of them. You watch the boys sit in different seats and your eyes go to the only empty one. You see Jason on the right, and Brahms on the left. You sit down and finally get to take in how huge both of them really are. You do you're best to focus on that the doctor was saying.

"As most of you should know, I'm Doctor Loomis." You'll try to remember that. "I've gotten reports of several fights, both physical and verbal." Stu intersects. "Nuh uh! There's only been like 2 or something." Billy roles his eyes. "There's been a lot more than 2 Stu." "I've gotten 4 reports, and that's not including small squabbles and yelling, its happened to many times to count." "huh... that's like triple what I thought!" Loomis sighs. "I need all of you to state any information you have on who started any, why is happened- anything at all." "Most of the people here don't talk." Billy spoke up. "Right... well the people who do, please speak up." The room fell silent as Loomis awaits an answer. "Stu? You always have something to say, care to contribute?" "What- I don't always have something to say! That's a lie, you're a straight up lier." Stu rambles.

You sit on your bed thinking about the group conference. That's so strange, they've NEVER been that collectively quiet Somehow even Stu rambled quietly! Guess that's as quiet as he could be. That's just so out of character for most of them, Something has to be up.

"Stu you idiot! I told you not to talk!" Billy says huffing onto one of the beds. "I didn't say anything bad!" Stu crosses his arms. "They can't know what we're planning, you totally could've just spilt it!" Billy whines. "You two are awful at being quite." Hannibal says from across the hall. "You guys are so fucking lucky the security guards aren't here." Chucky grunts. "They won't know, as long as this idiot keeps his mouth shut!" You listen to the not to secretive whisperer shouting. They all go to bed but you stay up wondering.

What the hell are they planning?

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